This was the most aesthetic Europe ever looked. There are still some problems...

This was the most aesthetic Europe ever looked. There are still some problems, but it's a much nicer map than what we have today.

Attached: 1549471030631.png (2000x2000, 635K)

Other urls found in this thread:ărășeștiărăști

How is Wilson seen in the Americas, as for the 3 people who knew he was?

gib Kotor and Skadar so no one has to suffer

Attached: 1532356513134.png (480x470, 209K)

WWI is barely remembered in the United States, we focus almost entirely on WWII. The only thing you learn about Wilson in particular in American schools is that he started the League of Nations, but couldn't even convince Congress to let the USA join it.

Attached: 1525294239701.jpg (1400x2060, 334K)

as if we needed Wilson to btfo you.

Please dream more.

Back to your sewer, Gyp.

>aesthetic europe
>g*rmany still in europe

Attached: 1531882396728.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

We had your country literally invaded.

What was the Entente going to do if you sign Trianon ? Were they going to march East AGAINST their allies in WW1 to return territories to Hungary, territories with minority Hungarian population ?


Attached: 1506929982084.jpg (800x800, 163K)

What could have been...

Attached: ugh.png (1000x1000, 1.82M)