This is a vlog from prom with Swedish high school kids. Just small town kids being themselves on camera. Watch and rate.
Prom in Sweden
Nolan Wood
Isaac Adams
they look like they fuck black guys
Logan James
they look like they like celtic guys
Brayden Butler
why are they so orange?
Dominic Hughes
Because that May, it was 30° weather for a month so they obviously spent a lot of time outside.
Jace Powell
trump people
Evan Adams
>almost every girl is tanned
i don't get it. why do they do this?
Easton Gonzalez
Because unlike in shithole countries where having a tan indicates low social status, in the Nordic countries it indicates health and leisure time.
Carter Torres
Fuck, I've never seen so many normies having a legit good time in my entire life.
Dylan Taylor
their tan looks weird though, i dont know if its nordic genes but i their tan looks more orange than bronze, like it was sprayed on