Post a woman/man that you consider the epitome of beauty.

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inb4 someone posts the swedish tranny
inb4 someone posts that french model with green eyes and dark curly hair
inb4 some BR pots coninckk_

avg american male circa 1984

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Look at this guy! He's so fucking beautiful! The skin, the eyes....thank god I'm a fag and can appreciate male beauty.

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>america got best germanic genes
>mexico got best latin genes
OwO I'm lucky to be a tight lil twink in the middle of texas!

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what the fuck

My cousin

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mods pls rangeban russian posters

>God exis-

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Sho boipuci


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She looks really underage. Bio says 19 tho so no guilt

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you can just pick any euro/american protagonist from 60s/70s cinema and it'll be a prime physical specimen.
Pic related, Franco Nero, famous for starring in the 1966 movie Django.

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Post french model

And this is Terence Hill (real name Mario Girotti), cast as Django in the semi-official sequence "Django, Prepare a Coffin"

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She was my first whyfoo. Too bad her career never amounted to much

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She's ugly.



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Only one.................................

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took a while to recognize... she really did become stunning...

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Are those acne scars? 0/10


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Literally made for the BBC.

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Didn't know they were making another hellraiser movie.

Who is it

epitome of beauty

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>when your bf just doesn't get your yaoi anime jokes so you just cuck him 4 times in a row

Disgusting porkey pig

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>tfw no tribal redhead gf

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Pit whore

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She is really beautiful

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