Why are there so few top 500 universities in Eastern Europe (except for Russia)...

Why are there so few top 500 universities in Eastern Europe (except for Russia)? You would assume they have some since their population is like hundreds of millions

Attached: universities-top-500.jpg (1800x1800, 679K)

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because Eastern Europe spent the last 200 years being partitioned between Russia, Prussia/Germany and Austria, who probably rather invested in their own universities, and for the Balkans because they were a battleground and also partitioned between outside powers pretty much all their history
>tl;dr: because they're subhumans

because academia is extremely underfinanced and weighted down by corrupted old people that hold tenures since the old system and don't really know shit except for how to hire their families. everyone with haf a brain who wants to work in research moves to Western Europe.

universities first arose in italy, the uk and france, so they ought to be renowned for that single reason

Because all of their jews went to USA.


Because university rankings are based on research. You need money for research. Westerners have money to fund their own researches + brain drain from other countries. All famous Eastern European Inventors worked for rich Westerners.

is the hungarian universiity the soros-owned one?

Probably its tied to industry i guess. We dont have native industry. Not much, after communism. Look at germany, they are industrial powerhouse. 44 universities.
We produce very high quality engineers nevertheless. Our boys work in google and nasa.

oh, and additonally, big part of those rankings is measuring career prospects, ie how much do alumni earn on average, and since wages in EE are shit compared to Western ones, it pulls us down because methodology in those rankings just compares the flat sums, not how much better alumni earnings are compared to the rest of the population

If you look closely, you will see that 3 Orthodox countries have more universities in the top 500 than the rest of Eastern Europe combined.

>2 Universities for Iceland
>When there are only really 2 actual Universities here

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is there anything eastern savages can do right?

have a bit of pride

>If you look closely, you will see that 3 Orthodox countries
And which may that be?

Because practically all university rankings are heavily leaned towards the anglophone countries where they are made, listing tons of third rate universities in the UK, Canada and the US while ignoring many decent unis in eastern europe.

The Germans levelled Warsaw (and its schools) and Commies killed all your intellectuals. If that didn't happen even with a communist economy I'd say Poland would rival Sweden or the Netherlands just by the sheer amount of historical institutions.

Russia, Greece, Cyprus
Why are you pretending you can't see it

How old is this? As of July 2018 the UK has 42 top 500 unis, Germany has 38, France has 8 (0 in the top 200) Russia has 2 (0 in the top 200).

eastern europe has been historically locked out from trade routes due to its geographical position, other than this late industrialization that happened when they were under foreign occupation from soviet union

No, It's either ELTE or Kolozsvár University.

btw i googled it. They rank them by 3 aspect

- Number of publications
- Prestige ( this is compeltely arbitrary)
- Nubmer of foreign students

people in the comunist era were usually not hired because of academic merit but because of their ties to the Party. it created Universities where nepotism was rampant and accepted and researchers would pretend to work instead of actually working. how much do you think academic that can't even speak english is worth? it's changing now along with generations and younger people are very competent and driven, but they still suffer from toxic workplaces (bosses are still old school retards), low wages and pity money for grants, so most decide to emigrate. most of my friends that went into academia now live either in the US or Western Europe

Two Mediterranean countries
The other one was founded by Germanics

It has something to do with Slavic retardation, let's be honest right here

Are you looking to get bombed again

I wouldn't say that commie academia was this bad. Ofc party loyalty was mandatory, but commies gave a shitton of money for research and it was more meriotacric than in the old times.

Who cares, we are full of sandniggers anyway lad

maybe it was different in Hungary

2019, it says so in the pic. we usually have 2 unis in the top 500 as well, unlucky year I guess

That's just butthurt nonsense. It's based on things like size of endowment, research facilities available, types of research available, amount of scientific and scholarly publications cross referenced with citation scores, etc.

Oh, I see it now thanks

Propaganda and racism.
Let eastern euros to make the criteria for top Unis and we'll see how many you will have faggots.

First rule for a top university
>don't be gay
boom roasted, not one westoid uni is left on the list

Actually because this chart is a meme and can be qualified as "Universities with biggest football field and gender studies" amount
Some shithole like MIFI which is not in the list has better education than 99% of these shit unis

USA has more top universities than all of Europe combined.

Why do europoors have such a shitty post-secondary school system?

It was like poor people had zero chance to get into higher education. Hungarian society was very aristocratic until 1945. Same with Russia pro revolution. Would it be possible for a Russian serf's son from Siberia to study? Many people were loyal to the party, because they gave them a chance to rise in society.

If your education is so great why can't you read fucking mutt?

>how much do you think academic that can't even speak english is worth?
It can be pretty useful so long as the country has the infrastructure, economy and the history.
Lets say you're born in Italy, education there for hard workers is granted, and the country has a historical job market for engineers, designers etc. This is the same for France and Germany. Britain just managed to spread that education better than any one, but it's not something that is strictly monopolised. I do believe Poland has/had it's old institutions that developed within Prussia, Russia and the PLC but the country has seen too much destruction for these to survive. Just like how Greece used to have more than just 1 prestigious uni but the recession anihilated them and now even Greeks in Cyprus have better colleges.

Stupid fucking question. The "top" universities are going to be the ones that peddle Marxist bullshit considering the kikes run the education system.

Unis in Europe charge 0-1% of the College fees in America.

>. It's based on things like
>money, money, money, speaking english, money, speaking english and publishing in english speaking journals and also money

but wasn't it opposite in the commie era? my granfather shortly after WW II got bonus points when he applied for medical studies because he was from a farmer family, and consequently inteligentsia families got negative points for their burgoise ancestry

non meme answer: big part of that ranking is research output. anglo universities double as research institions, while in Europe bulk of the research is done in institues not affiliated with universitie, like Max Planck Institutes in Germany and so on.
it also places lots of value on Nobel Prize winners employed by universities, even though the fact that Nobel Prize winner working in some lab doesn't affect the quality of education in the slightest.

The data we collect:

>Number of academic staff (full-time equivalent FTE)
>Number of academic staff of international/overseas origin (FTE)
>Number of research staff (FTE)
>Total number of students (FTE)
>Number of students of international/overseas origin (FTE)
>Number of undergraduate degrees awarded
>Number of doctorates awarded
>Institutional income Research income
>Research income from industry and commerce

The subjects we collect are the following:

1)Arts andHumanities
2)Clinical, Pre-clinicaland Health
3)Computer Science
5)Social Sciences
6)Life Sciences
7)Physical Sciences
8)Business and Economics


in Germany research takes place outside of universities
these institutes employ postdocs

since Anglo rankings are awfully ignorant they completely ignore this fact and pretend the research wouldn't exist at all

Attached: Window.png (763x764, 84K)

no, science is done 95% in english. That is not even negotiable, at least if you want to get payed for your work. Even the french do things in english, no mater how bad they can be with it.
I did things in portuguese when I started, but only because it was to "promote" science comunication" (i.e the work was not really of interest and it made little sense to publish at all)

what's the diference betwen humanities and social sciences? here it's all the same shit

>at least if you want to get payed for your work.


Per capita US isn't doing especially well in terms of scientific and scholarly publications, your citation score is also below that of Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Canada, and the UK in that order. America is also much more likely to collaborate with foriegn countries on research projects, meaning a disproportionately large amount of American research has help from foreigners. You also poach talent, using Harvard as an example, while America itself is 10%-15% foriegn born 20% of students at the uni and 38% of professors are foriegn born.

>It can be pretty useful so long as the country has the infrastructure, economy and the history.
he can't keep up with advancements in his own field as everything is published in English.
>. I do believe Poland has/had it's old institutions that developed within Prussia, Russia and the PLC but the country has seen too much destruction for these to survive.
we had universities before partitions that still exist. university I went to was established in 1364, it's one of the oldest universities in Europe and most years it is ranked in that ranking. still, it doesn't change much when research is so underfunded.

It's true, commies do prosecuted the people of the previous regime. I am saying that in the Horthyst Hungary it would have been harder for a peasant kid to get into university than in Kádár's Hungary. I am not saying commies were okay to do prosecution or demanding loyalty or it wasn't filled by commie propaganda. I am merely saying that education was free and more people get the chance to study.

language and history

>social sciences
sociology and gender studies

>he can't keep up with advancements in his own field as everything is published in English.
German is a huge contender. Shit ton of works are published in German.

>Switzerland "red"
>when they have things in top 10
This graph is absolute garbage and the guy who came up with it should get shot

>Number of academic staff (full-time equivalent FTE)
Based on money
>Number of academic staff of international/overseas origin (FTE)
diversity quota/brain drain/money
>Number of research staff (FTE)
Based on money. Also look at Germany
>Total number of students (FTE)
Based on money and population
>Number of students of international/overseas origin (FTE)
based on prices and language barrier
>Number of undergraduate degrees awarded
meme universities can award too
>Number of doctorates awarded
meme universities van award too
>Institutional income Research income
>Research income from industry and commerce

The colour is based on the amount not the level. It's not as clear cut as green=good red=bad.
It's just a map.

yeah, you're right

Yes thank you I'm aware of that. My point is that it's garbage data for a map. Of course fucking Luxemburg won't have as many top universities as Germany since they have a billionth of the area.

>Institutional income
what does it mean? how much money do they make? so the universities that charge tutitions have a permabuff, the more they charge the bigger?

>in Germany research takes place outside of universities
>these institutes employ postdocs

these institutes are funded by the gov?

Well I mean look at Russia the European part is the largest country in Europe and look at Turkey which is a huge conglomeration of ancient cities in comparisson to the Netherlands which has more than both combined.
Territory isn't everything.

Because communism and Cyrillic alphabet.

Attached: best-universities-in-europe-2016-median-overall-score-small.jpg (780x704, 148K)

>What is vu

Stupid answer by a stupid person.

Tы бpaтeц oceл и мyдaк!

Attached: 1548780074054.jpg (980x552, 268K)

yes. that is the case in most of Europe, there usually are research institutes independent of universities dedicated to a specific area, like psychopharmacology or sociology and so on, thats why that ranking puts anglo universities at unfair advantage

for example that is a list of all research instutions of Polish Academy of Sciences. our universities would have much better score in research output and quotations if those were the divisions of nearest universities, but thats not the case and ranking doesn't take it into account, thats why top 100 is almost only anglo universities

Thank you fatty for the ad hominem and absolutely no argument about why whatsoever.

The point is this map provides no insight on top of using misleading features

Bravo, Estonia.

Delicious butthurt everywhere HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANHAHAHAHA. always an excuse

Why does Finland have so many unis in top 500?

Yeah, like you have any.

You know absolutely jack shit about any of those countries.

Attached: ggdfgsdsg.png (500x356, 411K)

Big brains

No but seriously, I have no idea. It seems a bit biased towards "western" nations

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Read the criteria.


I know that being communist in the cold war doesn't really help with citations, I know that communism collapsing and sending the entire academic sector in a downward spiral wasn't beneficial and I know that publishing in Cyrillic doesn't help with citations.
Now go fuck yourself you stupid child!

Literacy rates of +70% since 17th century. 400 years old university.

4 countries used the Latin alphabet in the Warsaw pact, only two used the Cyrillic, but you are right about the language barrier.

Yeah, makes sense. No money, no scientific papers

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>implying citation scores are something else than a big anglo circlejerk

You will never be this upset

Brazil has 5.

Why is the map legend altered?

Attached: 7563768.jpg (474x427, 30K)

Yeah, also don't forget all those PHDs in romantic comedies.
Buta angol.

>Why is the map legend shortened?
no idea, found it like that on the net.

Бeдныe cлoвa.

Злaя фeя.

Attached: 1548899509765.png (450x768, 51K)

>Eesti 1


Do you even learn?

Attached: 1528699461162.jpg (708x396, 51K)

Soviet was centralised in Moscow.

>top 100

Actual big brained comment