>A Russian court on Wednesday found a Danish adherent of the Jehovah’s Witnesses guilty of organizing a banned extremist group and jailed him for six years in a case critics condemn as crushing religious freedom.
Absolutely fucking BASED.
>A Russian court on Wednesday found a Danish adherent of the Jehovah’s Witnesses guilty of organizing a banned extremist group and jailed him for six years in a case critics condemn as crushing religious freedom.
Absolutely fucking BASED.
really based
Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with the consensus here, that's pretty based. I wish we could do the same to the doorbell-ringing jerks here.
>brevik tier hairline
would you rather be shot with a bow and arrow or get imprisoned in russia?
Based, all those religious freaks should be jailed and enslaved.
Really based, should exexute the rest of the christians.
Sorry Joseph but weren't the JW the only religion in Europe to look out for you before and during WW2
and they're even exempted to the military draft
we have a lot of those freaks for some reason
>While sharing in the ministry in Azerbaijan, two of our brothers approached a young man standing in front of a building and began witnessing to him. The man replied, “I cannot listen to these things; it would be a sin.” He then took a knife out of his back pocket and said, “I have been treated unjustly, and I am about to go and use this knife to see that justice is done.”
>The brothers were taken aback, but said, “It is a sin to kill.”
>The man said, “What should I do?” They read Romans 12:17-21 to him and explained that vengeance belongs to God and that we must not “be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.” They told him about the power of a mild tongue and said that if he harmed or killed someone, his conscience would torture him. Impressed with what he heard, the man left them.
Americans are the most powerful race. This is why Russia fears us.