Does everyone get tonsil stones?

Everyone has tonsils, tonsils trap bacteria which then forms tonsil stones.
If you don't think you get these, get a q-tip and press it firmly against one of your tonsils.
If whitish yellow gunk pops out, you have tonsil stones.

Attached: location-of-the-tonsils.jpg (450x253, 30K)


Are they a problem?

I cough one out maybe once a week.

They can clog up the slots in your tonsils and cause infections. Otherwise it's just a minor annoyance. Sometimes you can just cough them out, other times you may have to prod them out. Feels kind of like having a popcorn kernel caught in the back of your throat.

They cause bad breath, and I guess they could also contribute to tonsil infections.

>Everyone has tonsils
I don't, got them surgically removed years and years ago.
What does this have to do with Jow Forums though?

It feels so nice when those yellow stone fuckers got out from my throat. When I was a teen my buddies said tonsil stone is actually dried cum. Happens after you swallow it.

Yeah, occasionally. It's fucking annoying.

The best solution I've found is mirror + torch + q-tips.

Yeah, q-tips work best. You should go over the same tonsil a few times with several q-tips until no more stone particles come out.
It's inconvenient and really nasty having to do this every 2 or 3 days. I know if just left them, my breath would stink and they would grow huge over time.
I don't understand why evolution hasn't remedied this design flaw which makes tonsils the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria to grow.
I guess fresh breath isn't high on the evolutionary agenda.

Also I've found that you can push them out two different ways. You can either push on the surface of the tonsils and they pop out through the little holes, or you can push up the side of the tonsil and they come out through the back. I find the second method easier.
I'm always scared I'll drop the q-tip down my throat. Eventually I think i'll get my tonsils lasered or removed because this shit ain't right.

how are you supposed to get them out without gagging

Is this the subhuman thread?
Never had them never heard of them why does everyone here talk like they are such a common problem

I don't gag at all when I use q-tips. I think I partially tamed my gag reflex. Especially when you are pushing on the sides of the tonsils.
On the rare occasions when I've run out of q-tips and have used a finger, I still gag a bit.

>Never had them never heard of them
Great, you are our perfect test subject.
You still have your tonsils? Okay, then follow the steps from the OP and report back.
I'd be very surprised if your tonsil crypts (holes) didn't form stones when everybody else's does. All tonsils have the same basic anatomical structure.

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Yeah I commonly have them too, but I don't even have to look for a q-tip to get rid of them as my tongue is somehow super flexible and easily capable of pushing them out of the upper throat dimples.

I know it's weird but I can't help but sniff my fingers after picking them nasty fuckers out of my mouth and crushing them.

i got them removed as a kid, never knew about this

yes I've spit them out before

it only seems to develop on my right tonsil, so i just pop them out with my finger

I used to get them when my diet was bad, but I haven't had them at all in the decade since I started eating better. Eat more veg and less trash and they should go away.

only when my hygiene is lacking

Had tonsils surgically removed as a kid for religious and hygenic reasons

Had that. It means it’s infected. You have to remove them before the bacteria in it will eat your teeth from the inside or cause you heart valve issues.
I removed it at 29.

I still have my tonsils and no stone like things in them since i was born, must really suck having to remove these things again and again

It smells awful too.

I do cough some up occasionally
They fucking stink