Old world faggots getting mad

Old world faggots getting mad

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lmao they sure do that a lot don't they

Europeans should be euthanized


>His country has no his language

>Speaking languages named after and invented by your old colonial masters

Sounds like you're the ones getting cucked

Attached: 1547585463899.jpg (656x555, 32K)

>be British
>own the world
>lose war against some tobacco farmers across the ocean
>300 years later those tobacco farmers own you
ayy lmao

Should also have"scandinavian" marked with swedish flag.

Latin American countries hate Spain?

Attached: CariƱo.jpg (506x762, 72K)

But you speak our language, your political system was invented by us, most of you are our descendants, you idolise our most famous leader (Churchill), you go crazy whenever our royal family visit, and you become sexual putty whenever you hear a Brit accent.

Face it, you want to be Brits. And most of you already are Brits.

Attached: jyov6uqc1qmz.jpg (888x1024, 72K)


Attached: mask wojak.jpg (250x243, 60K)

There are not a lot of things that make portuguese people reeeeeeeeee as often as this does

the one thing that surprises me the most is that despite fighting off the brits, the americans keep using the old brit imperial units

Attached: spanishtraditional.png (406x116, 34K)

It's not like we suddenly became different people, everybody still spoke with British accents, acted just like Brits. We just didn't like the idea of a king telling us what to do, i'm sure that a lot of lower class people back in England felt the same.


New world > old world

there is no simplified spanish tho, this isn't english, in spanish every country's diction is ruled by the RAE

its not "ruled" by the RAE, the RAE only registers different uses of spanish if they get enough speakers.
what i mean by "Spanish (simplified)" is that latinamericans often just use the 3rd person verbs as 2nd person, besides not usually having as much vocabulary (knowing as many words)
in the other hand i really like how latinos let the language evolve, while we use unnecesserally long words just to sound "smart"
i heard a really good podcast of a spanish linguist talking about it. in spain we criticize a lot people that "dont speak properly" while in latin america they allow the language to evolve more

>But you speak our language
fair, it's a good language
>your political system was invented by us
some faggot brits discussed it but then again so did others
>most of you are our descendants
extremely inaccurate. we're german irish mexican and black primarily
>you idolise our most famous leader (Churchill)
the only people that don't view churchill as controversial at the very least are those that don't care enough about history to idolize any figures from it
>you go crazy whenever our royal family visit
Women love celebrities
>you become sexual putty whenever you hear a Brit accent.
we're sluts lad, we get sick of fucking each other. any accent gets us hot and bothered unless it is positively disgusting like Indian accents

>besides not usually having as much vocabulary
this is completey and utter bullshit and is based on self perceptions rather than reality, spanish words only have 1 latin root unlike english vocabulary that has either latin or germanic roots, because of this for each particular spanish expression you can use a limited number of words in order to fully convey that evokation, the vocabulary is used as needed and if an engineer needs to use technicisms to explain how to work on a construction, he will use the same technicisms that would be used in Spain.


We are descendants of British colonists and settlers. Don't know why this would be insulting.

>Meme ethnicities

what i meant to say is that most latinameriacns dont know as many words as spaniards, simply due to the lower quality of public education.
of course latin americans have as many words in spanish as spaniard, they just dont know as many and use less words on their daily life
same reason they make a lot of spelling mistakes online, just lower quality of education


Bullshit, you just copied an Anglo meme.

I've been seen a mexican flag used to represent the Spanish language. I've seen the other two cases though.

Not him, but Americans do seem allergic to admitting they come from English stock. Seems like they'd much rather be German or Irish or whatever. Why is that? Just because England is too vanilla?

I meant I've NEVER seen a mexican flag used to represent the Spanish language.

what anglo meme? english doesn't have a Royal Academy of the English language.
Spain has had standarization and has registered uses of spanish language for centuries.

Attached: Diccionarios.JPG?itok=FyJ6EvMu.jpg (771x500, 106K)

We speak Amrrican
We are a republic with a combined Head of State and Head of government
Most of us are descendants of Germans, Mexicans, or Blacks
Nique Churchill
Nique the Royal Family
Nique your slags (not really, they're gross)

this is true, education is worse and this is expressed in the spelling, and subtitles in latin american spanish will ALWAYS use proper diction and vocabulary, there is nothing simplified about formal spanish either latin american or peninsular

Always disagreed with this, the french do it too. Why would you intentionally try to stop the natural evolution of a language, just out of pride?

Imagine being the creators of the English language but you're SO cucked by the US that American English is the global standard and much more popular than bong English.

Sounds like the ultimate form of cuckery to me.

Attached: ZAYFdm5.png (488x465, 253K)

Pretty much. It makes them think they stand out. Just makes them look like buffoons in my opinion. The funniest are the ones that claim their cheerokee. Besides their ancestors tried getting free land from the government and they were denied


I mean the image you posted where you could even make the flags the same size.

Jesus Christ I hope you're not that dumb

because the purpose of language is to express thoughts? And by having standarization then you can perform administrative functions better? It's simply an investment in communication infrastructure, the natural evolution of language is detrimental to de-centralized or pluricephalic cybernetic systems such as international empires and online communities, there is no purpose in allowing such dispersion if your system actively pushes you towards consolidating the new magnitude

This is the reason why population genetics dont drift after you secure a big enough population number and define a "health standard" which sees all other potentially positive mutations as "weird" (like say having 4 fingers instead of 5), the system imposes itself by mere property of being robust

>Install Duolingo
>Check courses
>Spanish one is represented by a Mayan pyramid


Attached: images (93).jpg (518x592, 17K)

Americans learn Mexican Spanish
No shit it's going to have a Mexican pyramid to represent it.

There are unironically not that many actual Anglos in the US.

Spain is more relevant than Mexico

In what way? More influential geopolitically? To Europe, sure. More influential culturally? Lol no.

just because chicanos in your country make tacos and drink tequila doesn't mean Mexico is more relevant than Spain


You're right, we're pretty much exclusively Mexican now

There aren't. Americans are mostly German. And the ones who are actually Anglo are sharters from the South who don't even matter.

that's like saying you're a cuck because your father fucked your mother

Attached: 1199.jpg (479x497, 25K)

Not even close. British ancestryn is under reported and divided while the others aren't

Well, I just Googled most common US surnames


Don't sound very German to me

>mfw Buschnell
>ww1 and ww2 happens

Because brits were the slave owners and upon emancipation slaves picked british last names. Also german cucks who came here let their women get dicked by englishmen and fast forward a few generations there are a lot of 1/8 british mutts with british last names

We had the same thing to an even bigger extent desu. Look at some old maps and you'll see that the water to our north east used to be called the German ocean, now it's the north Sea. Also of course our royals the 'Windsors'. Hard to imagine people being like that nowadays

Scottish (Glaswegian)
Scottish (Glaswegian)

If only the lads at Ellis Island understood our accents when we showed up, insane amount of mutations of common Irish surnames in America, nice to see the Celtoids did well though

desu whenever i see 23andme results from americans that self define as "german american" or "polish american" or "irish american" or any other shit they always come out as being 50-60% british and usually from 1/3 to 1/8 the thing that they built their identity upon, in many cases it doesn't even show up at all like on this "icelandic american" video

There are a SHITLOAD of black people with all of those surnames.

What percentage of the population do you think blacks are?

What video?

Around 14, but they practically all have English surnames.

Lower than that. It's like 12 and declining

>the lenguage of the thinking man