Meanwhile, on Bizarro Jow Forums

Meanwhile, on Bizarro Jow Forums...

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I feel like an underachieving brainlet amongst all you gregarious polymaths with promising careers

I hate euromutts

I love germany
they are our best allies


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hetero sex...

This board is too homophobic.

*blocks bizarro Jow Forums bullshit*
this thread is always trash stop making it

you're very wrong
Russia is such a nice country. Makes me feel happy to be their neighbour.

Lithuanians are a pleasure to do business with.

China is so great!

Stop! We can't help it that we're white!

We love you too! Thanks for finding my car, almost thought some Swiss gang stole it


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I love this planet, please save it and let us live the longest life possible!


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let us not dwell on past conflicts, what is important is the future

I love my Mexican neighbors to the south! I wish more of them would immigrate here.

white people are based

God i LOVE china, their culture and cuisine is fascinating. I love the PRC!

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Osean scum
Erusean whore

How are you preparing for the American century?

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>be American
>don’t be shot

She looks white

Good to see you've got a very stable and strong border Germany, Deutschland will surely save Evrope once more

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Do Europeans really do this?

wow there must be 0 gay men in finland

reply to this post if you think france is heterosexual

l peruano:
Durante su niñez es introducido al mundo de los negocios exitosos de sus padres, sin tener nunca la necesidad de esforzarse por vivir.
Es aseado y asiste a todas sus clases, es inteligente y creativo.

La expresión "peruano" proviene del latín "Civilizadus homo sapiens sapiens sapiens" que se traduce directamente a "Persona inteligente, humana y aseada".

Usted se preguntará: ¿Cómo identificar a esta maravillosa criatura?
En realidad es muy simple, aquí algunas de sus características:
1- Poseen piel clara y agradable
2- Son bien parecidos y atractivos.
3- Son la raza de mayor altura en la historia de la humanidad.
4- Gozan de estructuras óseas perfectamente simétricas, es impresionante.
5- Poseen glúteos altamente desarrollados.
6- Poseen cuellos sólidos, anchos, largos y fuertes.
7- Narices rectas y delicadas que pondrían celoso a cualquier escultor griego.
8- Sus oidos están diseñados para tener la mejor capacidad acústica.
9- Tienen ojos azules y bien formados.
10- Poseen una estética facial inmejorable, estos cara de dioses

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this is supposed to be bizzaro Jow Forums

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I just bought my circumcision surgery for the next monday. I can't wait, finally i won't have a smelly dirty dick that terrifies girls anymore!


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i love brazilians, its amazing how well informed and educated you can be just by thinking you arent a monkey

Anyone has a link to that thread about soy based drinks where everyone had a very constructive discussion about how it improves the quality of the average male?

Why DON'T Americans ever do this

Go ahead. Praising Russia will get you banned by the based commie mod.

5 looneys have been deposited into your account canadabot

Why does everyone get angry over macedonia like nigga its just a name

really need to come here more often. y'all are such original and interesting individuals.

Just came home after a date with the gf lads, why is life so great?

Italians are WHITE

I wish americans did this more

Im so happy we could all agree to leave our individual languages behind and speak only esperanto. Peace and prosperity awaits