Has your country ever had a female leader?

Has your country ever had a female leader?

Pic related: Elizabeth Warren, future President of the United States

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She ruined our economy and financially destroyed every single government agency, especially PREPA (public power company). Puerto Rico was at its peak until the day she took office.

women leading anything, not even once

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stop this user youre embarrassing us

if u consider this creature a female, than yes. Like any woman she just ruined my country.

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>women leading anything, not even once
This, especially wh*Te women.

The country was ruined a long time before she took office.
She just made things worse.

>not posting better milf
also, Warren had black hair when she was young, but now has blonde? does she dye it?

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Yes, and they were terrible leaders.

Last time it was Maria Theresia Walburga Amalia Christiana, but she was Austrian. Our only national female leader is from a myth.

But before her we have a bright future. We don't have this anymore. Just darkness.

We've had libtard democrat presidents, which is close enough for me!

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No and we dodged that bullet two years ago.

dios mio

besides Merkel this roastie was empress of the HRE once
got btfo and cucked out of Silesia by Frederick the Great tho

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yes, on our second now. not the worst leaders, better than most grumpy old men.

We've never had a female head of state, but some women have technically led the kingdom of France in times of regency.

of course not

And oddly enough 8 years before that.

>She ruined our economy and financially destroyed every single government agency,
I thought you were talking about Elizabeth Warren for a sec

We've had 9 presidents, 2 were girls, one of them got 2 terms

Yes. She lasted less than a year.

>got btfo and cucked out of Silesia by Frederick the Great
his pappy would be so proud

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No injun is going to be my president.

biggest btfo in leaf history
wasn't her fault though

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Y a eu Cresson qui a été premier ministre sous tonton, c'est déjà pas mal.

Yes. The best leader ever.

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She actually does look somewhat native american there

And a native American to boot!

What a pioneer.

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