Why yes I post on Jow Forums, how could you tell?

>Why yes I post on Jow Forums, how could you tell?

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Jow Forums/pol speak is a huge red flag in RL

by how you BTFO libtards with LOGIC™ and FACTS™

imagine being a Jow Forumslutant in 2019..

being a Jow Forumstard is so 2016

Praise kek

imagine taking op pic thinking its based

>why yes I do post on Funnyjunk, how could you tell?

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Why would someone paint Trump dressed in ceremonial military uniform when he's never served

dios mio....
la obsession....

because he is the god emperor, or so we though, before the state of the union address. anyway, donald trump was too young to serve in the vietnam war so people need to let go of this meme

It's just strange desu

what a fag

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that dude is insane

Im right wing haha

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>>why yes I do post on 4channel, how could you tell?

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Attached: antifa vs trump chad.gif (720x750, 835K)

He does the white power sign with the wrong hand, rookie mistake


I know right, how could they ever dare to question our BASED GOD EMPEROR amirite Jow Forums?

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Used to be really flaunting it, in retrospect I want to cut my fucking balls off.

Look at the little cuckbeanie on his head!