
Las Malvinas son Británicas edición

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waiting for the nbn lads to fix me up and the window they've given me is so large that i can't fucking do anything else the day

renewed my blacked.com membership

Did you not see the posts on the last thread? Stay from from women lad. The Devil in human form they are.

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c-can I post here?

They sometimes use adderall which is almost exactly like Amphetamine
I can fall asleep whenever no matter if I sleep loads at night.

Post some good music

they told me i'd be getting nbn between the end of 2016 and start of 2017 and i still don't have access to it
thanks, boomers

what does a titfuck feel like?


girl by the Beatles

I pity you

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every economist (even the one who was saying its a good thing) says brexit is going to be bad

>theyre all lying because every economist is part of a vaguely defined globalist cabal
>their forecasts and models are flawed - no i don't have my own because such an endeavour is wholly pointless
>the economy doesn't matter!

>I can fall asleep whenever no matter if I sleep loads at night.
so do you feel tired normally? Or is just like random blackouts?

Can't wait till artificial wombs free us from these creatures once and for all

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some omegle anime freak's delusions are not my concern

More south asians migrated to the uk for work than before the referendum

Non-eu immigration is at its highest


I get what you're feeling right now bruh (those are my screenshots)

But after a few months of this shit you just except how awful they are and any anger you have just becomes acceptance

There is no such thing as magical love.
That was a lie the movies told.

sandy coins

We've had enough of experts m8, with their learning and education. I go with my gut feel and I know things are going to be ok. We got through the blitz, that kind of rationing and working on the land would be good for the youth of today.

t. Boomer who was born in the 60s

doesn't feel much tbf. it's just the act of doing it that is exciting. just like when you cum inside her throat

tits are made of skin

Normally feel tiredness creeping up but sometimes collapse into sleep anywhere the first place was ASDA

its mad to think everyone on TV is rich, having sex whenever they please and doing whatever they want after filming. How can anyone on the TV possibly relate to us

>born in the 60s
Gen X was born in the 60s and 70s. Boomers were born in the 40s and 50s.

it's all about confidence, baby

erm sweetie
they vote for left wing parties

they GET us

This. At some point you stop believing in love. All relationships are relationships of convenience. She has a hole for you to fuck, maybe some good conversation, maybe she's up for doing hobbies with you. There's also others out there who'll be just as good if not better.

Don't get too invested, be prepared to walk away.

thats fucked, is there cure the doctors are applying to you now, or is like a medicine for life thing?

broke: brexit is bad before of the ensuing economic collapse
woke: brexit is bad because it didn't get rid of the pakis

splatting down a throathole would be quite convenient at least, not much cleanup then right

Medicine for life

BREXIT will be bad in the short run. The economy will take a hit. We understand this, every single friend of mine who voted BREXIT understood this, they took it on board, and they said they think the benefits are worth it. It's not thet the economy doesn't matter, it's that the economy isn't the only thing that matters. Yes, every economist says BREXIT will in the short run be bad for the economy, but long term predictions aren't so conclusive (often heavily biased to one side with remain groups who's prediction scenarios only look at the UK as if it had no trade deals, and leave group ones which are rarer but exist in which Britain gets all the trade deals it wants). At the end of the day, to imply this reasonable middle ground doesn't exist does nothing but show your own bias. I'm not sure if you believe what you are saying or if you're just being disingenuous to try and win arguments, but there is a large middle ground of reasonable brexiteers (certainly all the 'normal' people I know from back home in my leave voting county) who understand markets will take a down turn, the GBP will take a hit at times will be tough, but to get back sovereignty, control of the borders and to remove ourselves from the growing EU Armed Forces movement and keep the British Army British is all worth taking a little bit of an economic trial for now. I don't see anything wrong with that view.

Modern egalitarian families are built on subcontracting traditional male and female chores to men and women with traditional gender roles

>old people are more clued up than young people

>lived in an age where finding out the capital of china required physically going to a library searching for a book, ensuring the book was in date, looking through the glossary and then finding the correct page - will be better at picking up the historical nuances of policy, economics and international relations better than people who have grown up with access to hidden government cables, academic and industry literature and so on at their finger tips

skratting alone by the skratting tree

feel like pure shit just want to be suffocated by a nice bum

*takes a walk down memory lane*


It actually seems to have brought in more south asians

Don't tell rorke though he'll fly into fits of hysterics.. doctor said he needs to avoid any shocks.

Penny Lane by the beatles

Ignores the social aspect of things a little though. Old people had nothing to do in comparison to the current generation of 'young people' who are constantly distracted by the same meaningless garbage you couldn't be distracted by 60 years ago.

did you have a happy tet?

Yes I did

plastic nigger

There is a reason every great philosopher detested and despised women.
I'm a man of idealism. I would rather die than to concede to the vulgar and base physical world as is. It is ambition, vision that inspires and illuminates me. That is what is worth living for. That is what elevated human spirit and civilization to greater heights.

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>brexit is going to be bad
That's all i needed from you thanks.

Life in the uk has already been fucked up by a housing crisis, austerity and wage depression. Now we're going to have but another stick piled onto the funeral pyre and one which will probably be more dramatic than a lot of the others described

If you could have your way sexually with any girl in the world, who would it be and what would you do?

I would choose Emma Watson and I’d have vaginal sex with her and smell her farts.

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Most people in their 20s won't have a single boomer in their family. They'll have wartime born grandparents and Gen X parents. They don't even really understand who or what boomers are, it's just a big boogeyman for old people.

>I'm a man of idealism. I would rather die than to concede to the vulgar and base physical world as is. It is ambition, vision that inspires and illuminates me. That is what is worth living for. That is what elevated human spirit and civilization to greater heights.
you gon die a virgin nigga

Old people used to have jobs for life, houses given to them by government and only had hobbies acvording to their class

They are as distracted if not more than young people


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What's your cutoff for boomer?

You can do better desu.

this is a shagger's general

37 last few days and getting worse over the weekend, exceedingly grim

30 year old boomers were born in '88 and '89, explain that.

Once the boomers die, a grand new world will begin

Arguably not even till the end of the 50s. But definitely by 1960 you're a Gen Xer

why are the Scottish so bloody sexist?

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love seeing tights in toil

What class would my hobbies have put me in?

I spend all my spare time posting on here.

stop arguing about vague definitions please

lads my fucking computer is typing backwards what did i do

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even if i left today at least last night have surpassed my performance from 2 years ago, and still got another 2 weeks with this saturday and another weekend in that time

I will die content, knowing I did not surrender to evil and apathy.

fuck off arab

used to wank a ton to a video called "Scouse Mum Sucks Wog" but I can't find it anymore

the chinese have officially took over

ching chong ping pong

>Nearly a million more young adults now live with parents – study

kek this is me



I was born in ‘88. I’m a millennial.

Only a nepotistic Jew could afford his own place and still live comfortably. The people I know who moved out all have to share tiny apartments with a bunch of other people and eat from the mcdonalds 1 dollar menu everyday.

might go for a 2-3 hour nap

>that 30 year old boomer who thinks he's a millennial.

for what it's worth this is what I consider baby boomers. Some places consider the boom to end a lot later but if you ask me once the final decline starts that the end of the boom. Mid 40s-Late 50s

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>for what it's worth

And also, there is no such think as Baby Boomers in Britain.

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any top shaggers in?
have received advice from top shaggers in the past week or so that actually worked with good results, so now i have another question; when youve pulled, how do you get her to come back home/go hotel with you
i think there might be a better way to phrase it than "do you want to go to a hotel with me", thats too on the nose and i think fucked me over a bit last night so whats a better way to do it
(do not reply to this post if you are not a top shagger)

I thought this was a virgin freak general. Where do I go for that?

Had a KFC zinger burger meal for dinner tonight lads. What will you lads be having?

Pic is hot not gonna lie. Is she ok though?

seriously lads how the fuck do i stop this.
it's satrating to really piss me off i must have put it in arab mode somehow

McCain Pizza (Family Size)

"Do you want to see my collection of sue pictures?"

>(do not reply to this post if you are not a top shagger)
are you actually expecting replies from self-assessed but also real 'top shaggers' from Jow Forums?

The fuck is the "me too generation"


gamed many an hour in this

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Just b yourself

Wouldn't mind putting my willy inside a vagina. Think I would like it very much.

Not really. If I could choose to have sex with any girl in the world it would be Emma. There’s another girl I know irl that would be a close second though.