Do average people from your country believe in nanny state?

Do average people from your country believe in nanny state?
In Latin America yes, this is why we're so fucked. Also, blaming USA for everything is the easiest way to make excuses.

Translate: 47,6% of inflation in Argentina.

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Since when did people from across the pond use the term "nanny state"?

Macri gato

Macri is a neoliberal, your retarded

>Also, blaming USA for everything is the easiest way to make excuses.

And it is historically embased, your retarded educated by Nando Moura´s videos

Look how United States defend the free-market

Uouuu what amazing free market, right???

We did, but we are getting better.

Now, being a budget hawk is also a socialist position.

>blaming USA for everything is the easiest way to make excuses
omg how dare they blame those murderers and destroyers of countries known for numerous interventions in south america

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>anti-monopolization is not a pro-market policy

Every Latin American country has nanny state capitalism. Everyone has their BNDES/big public bank sending money to big corporations. Years of social democracy wanting to copy Scandinavia is a hell.

BNA sends money to these big companies at low interest rates while the rest of the Argentine private sector are fucked with skyrocketing taxes, there is no reason why such a company without competition and with free public money provide international quality service and offer competitive costs.

The Latin American low IQ people as always believe in the social democrats that want to "fight inequality" and the vicious cycle continues. "Ah, but the fault is of the nefarious capitalist system/USA/ private sector!"

Soon Argentina will default again with this spending nanny state.

Look how Germany defends the fee market

What amazing free-market, right?? Amazing.. so free..


Rich countries are protectionist and give a lot of welfare for their citizens, retarded.

Jow Forums, it's terrible for the brains of insecure thirdworlders. They end up using terms like liberals.

Already listened about Hartz IV, monkey?? Your dumb chimp

Argentinian refugees welcome
Anyone else get out

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What is nanny state? Motherland? Yes, we trust in it.

Yeah, the government is slowly becoming the biggest employers.

>"Nanny state"

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My sides. Latin America = Eastern Europe in a nutshell. People here are dumb as fuck too. Small companies are fucked meanwhile commie shits support big companies.

England began to become the greatest power in Europe when King Henry said: "We will no longer export raw wool to Italy and the Netherlands, it is now forbidden to export raw material and we will only export processed fabrics".
He basically broke the italian and dutch manufacturers.
United States has made the exactly same thing in the XIX and XX centuries with oil. Until today is totally forbidden for companies export crude oil in America. They only allow the exportation of refined oil.
And you like Chile, right?
The biggest chilean company is a state owned copper minning company and their economy basically depends from this company

>>"Nanny state"
Those retarded had a bad education so they learn about the world on youtube videos

Here in Brazil socialists use the excuse of nationalism and fight against imperialism to maintain their public jobs and high social castes. Average Brazilian especially from northeast is very low IQ and they believe it.

Cats are lovely.

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>inflation is high
>economists whine
>inflation is low
>economists whine
if you have food, water and a roof you are fine, the rest is all lies

Yes. State gotta take of everything.

They behave the same shit everywhere. Putin supports all Russian oligarchs from communist era and sufocate the private sector in general. I think almost all third world countries have their own Louis and Marie Antoinettes. Public officers from high castes are our aristocrats

We've been using it hear for a while.

What are the useful idiots in Eastern Europe? Here is feminists, LGBTs and "minorities"

I like how you don't even try to make a proper counter-argument to his point and instead prefers to use ad hominem insults to somehow show your "superior intellect"
If you didn't want to argument you could say nothing instead

Hey I don't think so.

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When the government takes care of everything so even fuckups have food, shelter and neetbucks for Japanese figurines.

A while now

Depends on the region. Where I live, up north, people don't care. In the South-West they do.


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>actually increased debt and spendings
you are a genious

>The biggest chilean company is a state owned copper minning company and their economy basically depends from this company
Codelco is actually complete shit, they emply like 6 times as many people per ton of copper extracted. Typical public owned horseshit.

this, the whole political system here jerks off with Scandinavia, thinking we will ever reach such a high quality of life while they rob us by millions

>These insitutions doing ranks like that are completely neutral and unbiased

Those countries are factually more economically free.

How dare they! creating jobs and shit like that!

Too bad those aren't private sector jobs and exist to help out their friends and is paid for by taxes


For reals?

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Thanks lads, interesting bit of information

Useless jobs are literally just overcomplicated welfare.



Macri is a neoliberal with a privatization boner and a close friend of Donald Trump though.