How does this map make you feel?

How does this map make you feel?

Attached: Net average monthly salary.png (903x710, 243K)

It makes me wish I had a job and wouldn't need to survive on 1500 per month

How fucking fucking money do those swiss bastards need?

I feel nothing to be h

*Adjusts for living costs*

Attached: ppp.jpg (898x916, 193K)

We still suck. Your point?

this map is shit, it doesn't make an average with the unemployed, students or NEETs that has a salary of 0 € to 1000€

Cypriot BVLLS

At first it makes me feel bad for my portubros, but as points out, if you counted all the unemployed, students and NEETs the salary would be much lower in Spain and Portugal doesn't have that much unemployment compared to us.
Also it makes want to migrate, I will probably go to a better country after finishing my studies and brown the local population.

Greenland makes money?

Sad for my balkan bros

Impressive, very nice. Let's see the median salary map


worthless, median is what counts

Median annual income adjusted for living costs

Attached: HbC9GSX (2).png (1280x1024, 100K)

Feels good to earn Western salary while living in shitty Eastern euro country
Hope average salaries here will drop so that my purchasing power is even higher

Based Belaruse being a regional wealth leader

Thanks. And as you can see there's a gigantic difference.between average and median. Just to take France and comparing it to this one annual average adjusted for living costs: 33 036$
monthly average adjusted for living costs: 2 753$

annual median adjusted for living costs: 12 445$
monthly median adjusted for living costs: 1 037$

And it indeed is much closer to the reality of the majority of the population

I have far more than that. Probably more than you unironically. I literally don’t work anymore.

What do you do?

be an avarage eastern subhuman who thinks by stealing and cheating he became better than anybody else


Commerce. But you need license for it. 8 employees.

Nem akarok veled foglalkozni, jobban jársz ha elfelejtesz.

This seems like bullshit. Belarus richer than Poland, Ukraine richer than us and Serbia richer than Bulgaria?
Literal fake news.

it all depends on how you define living costs. if your living costs are a sack of potatoes and a scrap metal shed then suddenly your pathetic income doesnt look as bad. sure the example is a little extreme but the trend holds true.

nothing why would I care about the average of my country and not just care about how much I make?

That still seems like a completely BS map. Where did you get that from?

Makes me feel good.

Portugal BTFO by potato niggers

I hate Wallonia so much, they drag us down in every statistic.