Stupid things white people do

Stupid things white people do.

I'll start: pic related.

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It's a lot of fun, you should try it

Didn't abos invent it?

>It's a lot of fun, you should try it

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Why do white people always make out with their dogs?

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Spending $5 to eat avocado smeared onto a piece of bread

me next

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Really? How is it called?

pic related

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Boomer meme.

Attached: man on the moon.jpg (650x654, 164K)

that never happened


people who hate skiing probably tried it once, fell a couple of times, and gave up
skiing is one of the most fun things you can do during winter

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Skiing is literally my favorite thing to do

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But you’re not white, Ahmed

>Didn't abos invent it?
Scandinavians did. Abos invented a throwing stick that returns and a sound stick.

Avocado toast. Its tasty but not paying for it.

white people invented the modern world you stupid shitskin

siege heil!

Most people in this world have never seen snow.

It doesn't even return. Abos boomerangs are justs dried up branchs they scavenged


Norwegians thank you

fucking makes me cringe

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Hugging? Nips don't hug their friends?

No, only wh*tes and middle easterners do

We never do that, unless you are an open gay or a pathetic banana roleplaying as a white man.

>Stupid things white people do

>jap lecturing us on homosex and sexual deviance

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Beastiality is a fetish. It was invented by niggers in the easern deserts. We call them "donky fuckers"


Hugging makes you subconsciously feel accepted and in turn you become happier, it's scientifically proven.
Denial is a dangerous thing, friends. You're human and you shouldn't deny yourself of things that objectively makes you a happier person.

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That is some Auschwitz cruelty tire shit right here

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>, it's scientifically proven.
Proven on westerners. For others its just awkward and uncomfortable

This stupid pool thing. They rather enjoy just WATCHING (lmao seriously) the water than swimming in it.

Also I really hate how brainless whites have been making every major city around the world looks/ feels the same and cheesy by building these cookie cutter culture-demolishing capitalist hotels.

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Eating mayo

The only hug that makes me feel gut is meine muttern. The rest can fuck off

Non-whites seem to hate the nature.

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Hard to believe but true

Whiter than shitalians

but it is

>Norwegians thank you
No such thing existed 5,000 years ago.

Really? You don't think it's nice to be hugged by someone you look up to or by someone you care for? I think it's nice, I always hug my friends before we part ways, just to show that I appreciate them.

Hugging makes us subconsciously feel upset and uncomfortable.
No one has ever had to scientifically prove it because everyone knows hugging is just simply gross.

The only person I'd feel OK to be hugged by is my girlfriend.
My family members (siblings and parents) are in the "Never" group. Ew, Just imagining it makes my body itch.

no we don't need a hug to express that. It should obvious from our mannerisms and words we use.

Based jap


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Exactly this.

I never hug friends or relatives, i just kiss them.

Yep this. Hugging is only for family. Its considered intense. Some girls might hug u when theyre young, highschool but theyre just flirting and annoying.

are white people so cringe in real life or just on Jow Forums?

>ask Afghan MOMMY secretary for a hug
>says hugging is haram and just midly shakes my hand instead
end my life

how can w*ite roasters even compete

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What do you do for excitement and for exercise?

Imagine being such a fucking pathetic person that you can’t ski. Can you not tie your shoes either? lol

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>hugging is gross
>buying used schoolgirl panties with skid marks in the is perfectly normal



Giving aid to Africa.

Attached: giving aid.png (550x1600, 599K)

>stupid shitskin
>siege heil!
I hope this is bait.

create wars

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