Do you want to find love in Utah?

Do you want to find love in Utah?

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not if you paid me

imagine actually believing in this shit
and you can see it is only white inbreds

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i hate when people think mormonism is justified because they seem like happy little wholesome families.

they believe in a convicted fraudster finding magical scrolls by looking in a hat which he was unable to replicate when lost. they believe in a man who 'translated' the egyptian book of the dead into complete gibberish. they believe in a church where major decisions come from dreams (oh i just dreamed that polygamy isn't a thing aynmore, now i just dreamed black people can be part of the church).

there is something mentally unhealthy and deficient if you need to constantly need to fight doubt of the obviousness of this religion's bullshit, even if you wear a smile and act all happy clappy. lastly the church's actual beliefs are pretty screwy and sort of freemason-esque. all this stuff about orgies in heaven and so on - not sure how this religion and islam promote family values when the reward is basically lots of sex with celestial beauties.

they believe the version of the bible their great wonderful man wrote for them is the "restored gospel"

literally took the king james translation and altered it with his own footnotes

The only rational justification for any religion is the adaptive value of its social utility.

yeah, however at least with most religions things were done before the printing press so they can still maintain an air of mystery about their founders - unlike for ol' joseph smith for whom there is clear contemporary contrary evidence to his bullshit.

as i said - you might say there is this social utility. but i think it is actually a very mentally unhealthy religion.

Why are they all fat?

Utahn here. Don't do it. Mormons are fucking crazy.
t. ex-mormon

Well, they're Americans.

They're American

I want no part with them

Makes sense

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Pretty weird cult try harding but im.pagan and I could never get my children to worship some other ethnic groups gods.

>i think it is actually a very mentally unhealthy religion.

Compared to what and by what metric?

>mormons own every single real estate, property development and home design company in my area
>it's like 3 different families who all are intermarried with 70 kids
Truly worse than the jews

>I'm pagan


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Yes, I worship my ancestors religion.

Illinois had the right idea

Do I believe my people or another race had the true God?
Why would I choose semites over my people, if youre white youre a convert from paganism too.

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The guys that go on mission seem like they truly believe what they talk about, and are often polite and all, but in the end it all goes in to the loo when you realize that being part of their organization means giving them a 10% of your income, that's fucked up, turns your corporation into a business, and the elders into sellers

>Do I believe my people or another race had the true God?

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more traditional religions have an air of mystery to them. less to doubt.

mormonism's official story is already pretty dodgy and full of ad-hoc justifications for how illogical it is. to consistently have to tell yourself to 'think it be like it is but it do' can't be good for you.

>i hate when people think mormonism is justified because they seem like happy little wholesome families.
Matthew 7:20 Ye shall know them by their fruits

>they believe in a convicted fraudster
Jesus was convicted of fraudulently claiming to be the son of God
>finding magical scrolls by looking in a hat which he was unable to replicate when lost.
South Park isn't reality
>they believe in a man who 'translated' the egyptian book of the dead into complete gibberish.
A point of controversy within the church itself. There are 3 leading opinions
>they believe in a church where major decisions come from dreams
>(oh i just dreamed that polygamy isn't a thing aynmore, now i just dreamed black people can be part of the church)
Oh, no, that's not right at all. Mormons, like the Catholics, have a head of the church that can act like a silly man or ex officio ex cathedra
>the church's actual beliefs are pretty screwy and sort of freemason-esque.
For example?
>orgies in heaven and so on
That's not a thing
>the reward is basically lots of sex with celestial beauties.
Unlike other people that are married until "death do us part," Mormons are sealed eternally to one spouse. There are no celestial orgies; just one man and his eternal wife.

Your ancestors were Christians my friend.

What air of mystery? We know where Anglicanism came from, a Tudor wanted to divorce his pious wife and remove himself from Vatican control.
We know where Lutherans came from, he nailed it to a door for all to see. Even Catholicism doesn't have much mystery to it if you have any amount of education. The biggest mystery is how it survived so many scandals (because it can change whenever it needs to and 'think it be like it is but it do')

it comes from peter, it doesn't need to be "restored" by a 19th century american

I'm not a christian so appeals to jesus and the gospel won't convince me.
>South Park isn't reality
so Joseph smith wasn't a treasure hunter who claimed to find scrolls given to him by an angel which he used seeing stones placed in a hat to translate?
>point of controversy in the church itself
because it goes to show how its all fucking bollocks mate.
Woodruff later said that on the night of September 23, 1890, he received a revelation from Jesus Christ that the church should cease the practice of plural marriage
>For example?
smith was a mason, there is borrowings from masonry in the church's rituals iirc.
>that's not a thing
when you go to a planet to become a god and have loads of celestial wives to have sex with.

I thought old time Catholicism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam all allowed debating and changing religious value according to consensus?

Yes. They shall convert to Islam.

in terms of the jesus myth its understandable that people still believe all the ooga booga stuff from 2000 years ago in that its shrouded in mystery and its a moot point as to whether it happened exactly as described.

joseph smith on the other hand didn't live a life shrouded in mystery. also his made up stories about nephites or whatever are so unsubstantiated by any evidence whatsoever, instead there is evidence to suggest he just made it all up with his made up translations of the book of the dead.

in this sense jesus has more going for him, because at least he didn't fuck up as badly as joseph smith did by doing something dumb like mistranslating something and leaving all the evidence of it.

That's odd since Paul (Saul of Tarsus) had to write epistles to the churches in places like Rome and Corinth telling them how far they had already strayed from the true nature of the church. You can't even make it out of the Bible before everything goes wrong but apparently that was just a one time thing and then the church magically stayed pure fir 2,000 years under the leadership of some of history's most corrupt and insane men.

My ancestors were converts from.paganism

man ain't always poifect, whodathunkit! hey, I wonder why the perfect mormons murdered some people on the oregon trail and stole their kids, or still in some "break away groups" think it's okay to have lots and lots and lots of wives- wives sometimes FAR too young.

>ancient hebrews lived in north america and some of them got cursed with black skin and thats where native americans come from

>this is all true because 3 men claimed to also seen it 'in a spiritual sense' and 8 men who were all relatives of the guys who were trying to sell the book also said they said they saw it, so its totally legit - even though he wasn't able to replicate the part of the book that got lost (which was probably lost as a test as to whether he was just making it up lol)

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>tfw actually am a good Mormon boy

Oh, what were their names?

>they believe in a man who 'translated' the egyptian book of the dead into complete gibberish.
>A point of controversy within the church itself. There are 3 leading opinions
Pfffthahahaha, christ

Mormons believe marriage exists in heaven.

Marriage is a contract hence a matter of humans by definition (it's literally a civil law institution inb4)

this is why i think its unhealthy mentally.

the amount of mental gymnastics required to believe this stuff is insane. at least christfags and muslims can just say 'the bible/quran is the word of god and god is beyond understanding'.

There is no marriage in heaven Mr. Mormon man.

Why do you care so much if you know it's not true? Unless you've had ties with Mormonism or Mormons in the past it kind of is weird that it bothers you so much

It's what I just said you brainlet, there are no humans in heaven

the other day i just started reading about it whilst i was on a train on my phone.
i was just shocked by how absurd it all is. its actually quite a rabbit-hole of absurdity. i love discussing absurd shit on Jow Forums.

You are the brainlet. There are 2 humans in heaven right now. The prophet Elijah and Enoch.

Had it with you, walk the fucking plank

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Mormons only commit to dating other Mormons, if they date you their family will disown them if you get serious

Fair enough

Do you even read the Bible you dumb mormon or just the book of mormon?
Enoch and Elijah never died. They were taken to heaven by God.

No they don't

Yes, but not because of Mormons. I just love that state.

>Do you even read the Bible
What? Who reads the bible? I'm not a pedo

Mormon girls are made for breeding. You need to have 10-20 kids to be a good mormon.
You have to a willing volcel though so it's a scam

Who the fuck has the money to sustain that kind of harem? It's insane

At least 8 of those girls are named Mckaylah