Hey Jow Forums what are gypsies like? Obviously there aren't gypsies in Australia

Hey Jow Forums what are gypsies like? Obviously there aren't gypsies in Australia.

Attached: gypsies.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

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I'm leftist and a humanist but fuck gypsies. 99 % of them are utter scum.

why? What's the issue?

So on, No gypsies here in Japan

You know how institutional racism and prejudice causes poverty and that in turn causes shitty cultural norms to appear like criminality etc. that in turn ups the tempo on racism and prejudice causing a vicious cycle? Well with the gypsies this cycle has created a shitty culture that even if racism against them is outlawed and they get gibs from the government, their culture wont change and they continue being disgusting criminals.

A very strange bunch of people. youtu.be/Wgbaj6p-DzU

tfw no gypsy gf

no gypsies in korea either

>he doesnt know

Here's what happened when a gypsy dude "stole" a girl from another bunch of gypsies.

To any American or Westerner ignorant of the situation in Eastern Europe I want to preface this with saying that Im not a racist as in I really dont see brown skin as a inherently bad personality trait to have and I dont care what color you are as long as you are nice to me. I admit that they are decent gypsies aswell (some probably better than me) however if they have a shred of intellecutal honesty they have to agree with me that they are the minority and that theres a serious problem with gypsy communities in Europe. This post is targetted towards the uncivilizied gypsies who from my observations make up the majority. Very few of them are actually integrated in to society. Attempt were made in the past and now but they were futile. Most of them are unemployed and live in slums and resort to stealing, goverment gibs and begging to survive. They are not even thankful beggers etither. Give them an euro and they ask for more without even a hint of gratitude. Gypsy women pump out more children then they can possibly nurture I guess in part for more goverment gibs and begging purposes. They are extremely obnoxious and anti-social when in public but I think that goes without saying. Intelligence-wise have probably the lowest recorded IQ in all of Europe ranging from 70-83. They are vastly overrepresented in the cases of mental retardation in my country. That may be a result of inbreeding among gypsies living in ghettos but Im not sure.
Why are most of them like this? Im not sure. May be a result of their culture together with prejudice. I would argue that the main reason behind the prejudice that they face from locals is their behaviour. But it really is a vicious cycle like said
How do we fix this? Locals can try to be more sympathethic and understanding of the situation gypsies are. Apart from that I have no clue.

You´d think they´d at least try to injure each other

Thank you for the detailed explanation Serbian friend

what is up with that massive open landfill? cant they be bothered to clean up the damn place?

Imagine American niggers except they are all like that 100% of the time, and turn their animosity towards other people instead of one another.

you know how jewish people have a culture of being insular and respecting education?

gypsies have a culture of avoiding any work and being thieves

Residents dont mind the filth. At 1:46 the guy explains that there was about 1200 tons of garbage that reached the first floor and the city spent money from envirofond to clean it up.

Attached: lunik 9.jpg (1050x591, 378K)

my god... what a pigsty.
why not educate them about health and safety? it's in their best interests to keep their living environment clean as well!

I really doubt they would care

the worst culture to exist in the modern world. imagine if everyone were like them. without material excess of others for them to survive off of, they would quickly die off.

Wasn't this the video that had a Star Wars lightsaber edit?

Nevermind, this is from 2018 and that other video was older

Europeans really hate gypsies for some reason, I have never seen one in my life.

Drug sellers, pickpocketers, child porn traffickers, etc etc.