Why can't they into English?
Why can't they into English?
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because they speak so cute for that
They're filthy uptight Anglo haters, also based satan trips.
another thread ...another fight
Because it's difficult.
We can't either
Honestly it's just because Australians speak it. We have no problems with other Anglos.
Aille spique eu verrie fluente angliche iou filssy germanne
Frankly : the "th" sound, it's a fucking nightmare.
We can, we just don't like to. I have a C1 level in English but always pretend I can't speak it to tourists who don't try to speak in French.
You mean Aussies can't understand you?
No, I mean that we don't want to communicate with Australians. Hence why we refuse to learn English.
Car le TAUREAU FRANÇAIS et le TAUREAU NIPPON n'a pas besoin de la langue anglo vierge, qui provient de toute façon d'une nation FRANÇAISE qui prétend avoir sa propre identité.
Parce que baragouiner *nglais ce n'est pas français, littéralement l'humiliation insupportable à mes ancêtres. Mon poing aux rosbifs decourants!
Oh come on user they aren't that bad, surely not worse than yanks.
but we've been doing our best.
*strikes a jojo pose while urinating*
because we don't need to speak English in Japan
The English language is too difficult for us.
And we don't need to speak English.
Parce que j'emmerde les anglais et les ricains.
needless to say the reason for nazi
Кoмy нaхyй нyжeн вaш aнглийcкий.
fuck angLoids and their shitty language, desu-ne
most of the Japanese can read English, we just don't know how to speak it
As French sounds very elegant and soothing, I like it very much
And I think that losing French is same as losing the most beautiful language, so I hope that they keep their language forever
M-merci user
Frogs are butthurt, Nipps find it way to complicated
>implying 50% of English words aren't from French language
>implying we aren't talking in Anglo-Norman language
Je vous en prie (*´ェ`*)
“L” is the same as “R”
why separate them? I cannot understand
Both countries are very protective of their languages, all foreig media is dubbed, so they have no reason to learn English.
Because their languages are rich and they have everything translated. They have no reason to learn it, unlike scandis or baltic nations.
Imagine being a swede and watching movies with ENGLISH subs on the theatre screen, nobody even wants to translate subs for them
we invented their language and basially invented their country
Je veux avoir une relation sexuelle consensuelle avec Kuro
Why do the assholes in Russian news organisations dub over Ukrainians?
I can understand using subtitles.
But fuck your monotonous Moscow speaking narrators!
nie dla nieanglojęzycznego kogutka ona
I am completely fluent and my American accent is better than 99% of all ESL anons ITT
No matter how many times I see “KURO”, it really just looks like dog‘s name to me
They're obviously not the same, mate. Not even those American pirate R's sound anything like the letter L.
Nor can germs
I'm ashamed I have the same flag with you. Disgusting filthy anim*poster.
Umm…as I thought we only have Japanglish ,not English
but we dont have english subs, get rekt fuckboi
wtf I love France now