Does your language have a retarded version?

Does your language have a retarded version?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

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We've got Ebonics and Pig Latin

Attached: chipotle-pig-latin-packaging-front.jpg (600x762, 157K)

Yes. How to identify it?
People who call soda """pop"""

I thought you would talk about Québec French, lel


Yes, we have Bonglish.

Attached: Bonglish.png (740x400, 117K)

Switzerland, yes we got Thurgauer accent.

yes, french

We call this finglish


is that the gender equality SJW shit I've been hearing about

Yes. It's called Iberian Portuguese.


Kessé ta dis mon ptit criss de baveux?!

Worst of all is that it's the official one.

Yes, it's called Danish.

Based Katharevousa poster.

Yes, it's the second most spoken native language in the world.

Portuguese is very phonetically similar to Russian, but Spanish is not.

Spanish is just Portuguese with training wheels.

Attached: free_trial.jpg (639x425, 171K)

Yes it's called Pidgin.

Loads of people seem to think they sound alike, but I don't understand why. They sound very different imo

Attached: portuguese russian phonology.png (1109x484, 39K)

if he meant katharevousa he should unironically khs
cancer-evousa is an artificial whore of a language that ruined the evolution of the modern spoken language
just google diglossia

You might be looking at the Brazilian variety which is more distinct, when comparing to Russian.

It's also a cadence thing, not just a phonetics thing.
>0:22 "Não, eu tô podre."

Kek, it sounds like someone from the north interior here.


Attached: 2000px-Frisian_flag.svg.png (2000x1385, 132K)

Actually, it sounds more like someone from Alentejo/Algarve, so the opposite end of Portugal.


>Iberian Portuguese
this bitch be scared of macacos lmao

Anything outside the capital region is retarded

halluukkonnää etelän vetelä turupaas perekele

We've got American "English", desu.

spanish and portuguese are both brainlet langauges , now icelandic , now thats a hard western european language

You be nice to the Frisians you dirty swamp Jew.

Attached: cat gun.jpg (720x726, 23K)

we have Dutch and modern Scandinavian languages

On a more serious note, why didn't Greece simply compromise on something like Koine or Byzantine Greek? Wasn't Katharevousa an attempt to bring back Ancient Greek?

You guys already are the retarded version of a language

sumpf deutsch aka dutch and Halbinsel deutsch aka danish?

Icelandic isn't a western European langauge, senpai.

>crustaceo cascarudo
Los panchitos verdaderamente son subnormales

Yes. Yes we do.

Attached: scots.jpg (520x690, 53K)

Dutch and Danish are pharyngeal disorders, not langauges.

schweizer deutsch is aelter als deine standartisierte sprache und schweizer deutsch oder alemannisch ist der direkte vorfahr deiner sprache

Ebonics is just old school Southern USA talk

how is it not? it's north west still in the west

Greek nationalism as supported by western europeans was fixated on classical Greek and the classical Greek era for several reasons
1. Europeans of the time were educated in that and grew up with stories and reading about ancient Greece
2. Greek culture and language pre-Alexander and the Hellenistic era covered an area that barely included most of Asia Minor, i.e. Turkey, and pissed off the Ottomans less
3. Byzantine had a history of conflict with western states
Keep in mind that Katharevousa was really just an academic language and mixed with Demotic to form modern Greek, so in the end plenty of features of medieval and Byzantine Greek carried on through Demotic. Koine isn't a single language per se and doesn't denote all Greek spoken during the Hellenistic period

Chilean Spanish
All other forms of spanish

yes, american english

It isnt

ostia pero si son las supernenas y Agallas el perro!

Attached: PPG_SSUP02_cvrSUB.jpg (988x1500, 496K)

>medieval and Byzantine Greek
meant to say Byzantine and post-Byzantine Ottoman Greek*

>yes, it's called silesian

It's kinda sad, but many of the people who speak like this genuinely can't speak pure finnish