Firstly, draw a perfect square. We will begin from the midpoint of the top. From here we are centered and at a peak. There is no gain or loss, but there is optimism. You will branch out in all but one direction going counter-clockwise. You will draw a line to every point but the point bisecting the right side. This is to represent your initial research. You go from left most to right most representing your journey from initial fud all of the way to hopeful speculation-but never going more upwards than the initial and final lines which are horizontal. There are many lines and much research done here. This time takes the longest and you will move around the most.
Secondly, you will go to the one point that you neglected. This is the midpoint of the right side. It represents balance between optimism and pessimism while at a profit. You will again journey-but only downward and to the left this time. You are aware of the potential-but being already invested you experience loss. Again counter clockwise. Your first line is a big loss on the far left side and your second loss is smaller. Being at the midpoint it is not a loss of your initial investment, but you are still pessimistic when you arrive.
Thirdly, you will begin from the midpint of the left side. This is the territory of zen in loss. You are neither pessimistic nor optimistic. Your time in the bear market has made you look inward and understand why you are in the position that you are in. From here you go first to optimism with profits, then to pessimism with profits as fud begins to shake your hands. Finally you become wise and experience optimism even through your loss as you understand the value of LINK.
Finally you begin from the corner of loss and pessimism. This is a new pessimism. It is the optimism of your past turned to dull pessimism by the radiance of optimism and profits from your gains.