IS-2 edition
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The indiginous populations of AusNZ actually have a serious problem with obesity. Can't give a bunch of cunts struggling to survive for 50,000 years KFC and foodstamps all of a sudden and expect them not to get fat as fuck.
Would anyone else like to move to denmark instead of the UK?
they are genetically and culturally close to us, even before the saxons arrived suprisingly as our beaker ancestors lived there, i think there is less pakis and hotter girls
they also love cycling which is nice
just watched a recent tim video
hes got a decent amount more incoherent from the last video i saw by him
i worry for him
strangely attractive
... Is this shopped?
should we deport people whose eyes are too far apart or too close together or just have them breed with one another to have normal children
Doggerlander Ethnonationalism is the future. By 2100 the entire world will be consumed by Revivalist Beakerism.
Sexy herbivorous eyes
wonder what goes on in his mind
nat is far hotter than anya though
only if you support Ole Sommer Bach and his plan to reintroduce Elephants into the wild of Northern Denmark.
just taken a gram of phenibut lads
what should I do now
I think Anya is cute!
doing a poo
Currently eating a sausage roll made by my local grocery chain. Marinara came with it, is that what you're supposed to eat it with traditionally?
>yfw ancient European artifacts surface since a lot of Europeans used to live near coasts
remember /brit/ kicking off after that hozier video
dont want to know sunshine
if there is ever a socialist revolution in britain plaid/snp will be like the tibetan/xinjiang separatists in china
can tell exactly what type of cretin the yank who made this image was
what are it's effects and where do you get it?
... Me Timothy James Byrne checking the mail standing on the premises of my rented flat on the road Amersham Hill by the escape lane signpost at the top of the escape lane in High Wycombe Buckinghamshire England today on the 9 February 2019 ...
It must always be the desire of a Government to render its dominions, as far as possible, homogeneous . . . Sooner or later, the difference of language between Wales and England will probably be effaced . . . an event which is socially and politically so desirable.
i think doggerland was long gone by the beaker times, but i do think its a nice idea, it could be a north sea ethnostate rather than a shitty wind farm
still wank to thoughts of the ex lads
fucking yanks are retards, us ulstermen are pro western while the irish nats are commies, yet the USA stands up for commies?
anti anxiety but generally just makes you really relaxed
there's online pharma stores that ship it, questionably legal though.
It's creepy she said this because if she takes power then she might use nat sec to target opinions she doesn't like. Anyone who supports this doesn't realize it can be used against them at any moment. This is intersectionalisms poison pill that will lead to its downfall.
Always read disambiguation as "dis-am-bawg-ation" and only just looked at it and realised it was disambiguation, as in ambiguous.
thats a nice chonky cat
>fucking yanks are retards, us ulstermen are pro western while the irish nats are commies, yet the USA stands up for commies?
I'm black
it's a mixture of believing braveheart was a documentary and supporting anyone who fights against the british crown because muh independence day. same way you have irish catholics supporting palestinian terrorists who would sooner see the entire population of ireland genocided as infidels.
no LOOOOL stick to hot dogs
is that an enjoyable experience?
>Imagine ________
Haha shut up you fucking melt
what are you lads drinking tonight?
swings and roundabouts mate
would unironically be good places if they weren't full of pakistanis
if that's 3d then it's not very good
i'll have what he's having
>Gays are norm-
Nice try kid
*blocks your path*
Well what am I supposed to eat it with then?
business idea: move to LA and rent a cheap flat in some south-central ghetto but head out every morning at 7am and spend all day walking around the rich areas of Hollywood etc before getting an uber back at night to sleep until I run out of money and head home being able to say I spent all my time among the stars
gays are mentally ill
most of them were nonced as kids and it fucked them up
She'll never take power. She's unelectable in middle America and the dems realise now they cannot ignore the rust belt as they have done for decades. Plus Texas is about to become America's biggest swing state and even the brownmen of texas wouldn't vote for a fucking Hindu
*breaks down*
don't drink anymore
favourite Tarkovsky film?
cant decide whether i prefer the sacrifice or andrey rublev
the duke is giving up his driving licence lads
drunk and did coke last night
probably gonna do some mandy tonight
wish England had kilts and bagpipes desu
is he going to take me back to the past?
You're thinking of gabbard
I don't think she endorses secret police to round up everyone who's ever told a racist joke before
proper sad what happened to eric claptons son
wish we;d had a King Frederick at some point in history
strong name
I liked the Lego Movie
England has Saxons, by far the coolest named peoples in the British Isles
whatever you want sunshine
good. old people should be banned from driving once they get their free bus pass. They are always an absolute liability on the roads. selfish fucking boomer cunts.
>wish England had kilts and bagpipes desu
Brexit will mean the end of British imperialism.
its ok you are a dutch, but why always in the /brit thread mate?
Fuck the paddeeeez
thankyou for this experience.
valentine's day on thursday
Brexit is a bad idea, will the nigapakis leave or will they stay. they will stay and we will be poorer :(
might just pour a cup of hot water on my balcony railing and and rest my bollocks upon it
quite a ridiculous building
dont care
taking the gf to a show, what are you doing?
another lonely valentines day
i can't believe that things turned out this way
just looking forward to easter so I can eat big dirty cadburys easter eggs and have 14 more Creme Egg mugs to find space for in my already brimming cupboard
trés profond (very deep)
haven't had a cigarette in years but images like this still make me wanna spark up
fat irish twat
probs nothing
the girl i was chirpsing seems to have ghosted me for unknown reasons, she's not responded in a week haha
Just walked past a darkie :|
one appears to have been dressed by discarded charity shop rags
the other is just wearing a towel