You’re still not in NEO kid?

Attached: B19663D8-8208-4963-829C-5EB4D58CCF14.jpg (2048x1821, 347K)

>Lz Go
>green id
Let’s go boys

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GAS $500 EOY confirmed

Oh wow, maybe they're actually starting to think about decentralization now. We shall see.

So these chinks just admitted NEO is a centralized shitcoin

is their primary wallet still some shitty closed source windows program?

make it open source, multiplatform or I don't care
especially not for something that can be squashed at anytime by the shittiest government on the planet

my nkn is in their wallet

who uses neo for anything again?

oh yeah right

Decentralized is 9-16 months away. Who wants to wait that long in crypto world. This shit is heading back to the dumpster where it belongs.

Translator, please

Can't read ching chong

Wait, really? Holy fuck that's pathetic....

dunno if its still the case now, but the first wallet was windows only

There are multiple wallets which are all high quality

>high quality chink product
user i

Attached: neocat5.jpg (477x500, 59K)

Shitty chinglish translation. This is as shoddy as Walton and vechain

Fuck guys! How do we FUD NEO now??? This shit isnt fair!!!

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? There is nothing to FUD because everything that was said is true. Centralized shitcoin 10TPS


wow its like I'm in 2016

EOS is over. you should sell now before it pulls an ADA


>Chinese ethereum

Check out Aphelion's neo wallet, its top tier + has NA devs

I dearly love NEO....wallets are its weak point
neo-gui is bad and a refresh is planned
I don't trust NEON wallet without a hardware wallet controlling transactions
Use Aphelion, it has Ledger support too. I second this post

3 lifetimes of blessings motherfuckers