Los quickos Lesson Español:

Los quickos Lesson Español:
1. Take año English wordos
2. Add -o
3. Endo los pluralos con los -os
4. Wordos orderos reverso
5. los tildos rañdomos over Ns

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it does make sense to some extent tbqhwyf

this is because of Latin

>Polandos en cargo de language

polishos subhumanos ino chargo ofo teachingos spanishos

How would you say 'Better to be a scrawny knight/caballero than a fat, replete trader' in Spanish ? Trying to make it sound like some kind of proverb, I mean.

Funfact: if you don't include the tilde you're saying anus.

Therefore saying "tengo veintiuno anos" means I have 21 anuses

Mejor es ser caballero flaco que comerciante gordo.
Good one btw

Absolutely true.

Beats having 24 "sh" sounds tbqh

Grande si verdadero.

that thing above the N is not a tilde

What le fuck

English lesson:
1. Tea who you yeah bunny

Billetera mata galán

No pidas a quien pidió, ni sirvas a quien sirvió

A la prima se le arrima y a la hermana con mas ganas

Quick lesson in Polish

1. mash your fingers against the keyboard


too many vocals

entre primo y primo mas me arrimo


You just need to mash the c, y, and z keys