Why do Americans live like this?

Why do Americans live like this?

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Seriously, What's wrong with that?

We're Americans retard. Theres literally no difference between us and Amerimutts except we're liberal

>canadian flag
do you realize where you live

Do they skip geography in leaf school?

women can't live somewhere unless every room is filled with potted plants, framed pictures and chinaware

Nothing. White roasties gonna roast

This. If that's all you need why should you care. I thought the west was supposed to be individualistic.

then when they have to move it takes forever to pick all that shit up

Whats wrong with having plants? Seriously american consumerism is a cult of death. Everywhere they surround themselves with crap electronics and nothing else.

You shouldn't own anything that doesn't bring you JOY

Literally my apartment, except I have a loveseat and a 55 inch TV (and I only got one that big cause my living room is 20 feet across)

I have 4 pieces of furniture; a bed, a TV console, a couch, a desk, and an office chair. Literally all you need tbqh.

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i live like this, fuck you chink

That's stupid too. You should also make room for things you KNOW are useful like tools.

Should get a calculator too, because you can't count.

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>no piss bottles
>no cooler beside the chair
the roastie is right, what an inefficient set up

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Listen to yourself
>consumerism GOOD, being thrifty BAD


there is literally nothing wrong with having little decorations and keeping it functional

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good goyim, BUY TOOLS and BUY MATERIAL so you can BUILD more things. You'll also want to BUY things for those new things you built

oh my god what kind of savage doesnt spend half his paycheque on useless shit that fills up space! get this manchild a woman immediately who can civilize him by spending all his money then taking the rest when she leaves


you will not have to mend many things if you only own things that bring you JOY

>not a sleeping bag and two pillows in a corner, a pile of books, and a pile of canned beans
Look at these materialist cucks!

there is no ethical consumption under capitalism

Whoever has the most toys wins.

I swear if we made a law that no woman could spend a man's money and vice versa the economy would collapse tomorrow. Women would be lying homeless in the streets.

why do you hate women, are you gay or muslim?

And nothing to consume under communism

>not spending several thousands of dollars a year on shelves and other furniture that you will then use to showcase all the other several thousand dollars worth of useless frivolous decorative paraphernalia and similar clutter you'll never ever touch again until you move
Uhmmm.... Sweety....

you don't need "thousands of dollars" to have a decent looking home, you fucking insect

literally nothing wrong with this, have fun living above your means and struggling with financial debt because you want pointless knickknacks crusted in dust to cover your flat.

why are you implying you can't be gay and muslim?


>watching television
>using carpet
>not building your own wooden desk and bookshelf
The problem isn't that it is too "minimalist" but because it is too soy.


What is the evolutionary reason behind this behaviour? Because you're right, of course.

Is it something to do with a home being baby-ready? If that's the case, I don't understand potted plants. Is it just women needing "feels" over practicality?

are you saying hes both?

This clear joke tweet sure did butthurt Jow Forums incels

Being able to cover your home in useless decorative junk is a sign of status. Women need to constanstly signal their status because they usually don't have any other avenues with which to establish their position in the pecking order.

Makes sense. Explains their obsession with fashion too.

Seems fine, most young people will live in rentals all their lives so they don't have the luxury of buying a ton of shit that makes moving annoying.

4 pieces of furniture plus some other shit dumbass

>except we're liberal and 0% white**

Looks pretty good to me
Although I'd prefer a couch to a chair so that I can get drunk and pass out with a nice place to lay out at 2pm on weekends

I know this is all a bait thread, but, I have a fully furnished 1 bedroom apartment and am proud of it.

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ok spic

I wish. There's trash and clothes in every part of my house. It's pretty rough

t. n*gger

this is the best way to live

>I know this is all a bait thread, but, I have a fully furnished 1 bedroom apartment and am proud of it.

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>furnishing the entire apartment

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the problem with the room isn't the lack of furniture in and of itself, it's the fact that there is literally nothing in the room besides video games and a chair.

Your living space is a reflection of yourself, if you read you will have bookshelves with books, if you hike you will have gear, if you have friends or family over you will have furniture for them to sit on, if you play sports you will probably have something to do with sports sitting around, if you're a student you'll have books, papers and a desk, etc etc etc.

This room has nothing except a chair, console and TV. What do you think this reflects about the owner of that apartment? it reflects that all the person is a loser who does nothing sit on his ass and play video games, all day long. No hobbies, no close friends, nothing interesting about them.

THAT is the problem with this room.

What if the person, like many young people, spends most of his time outside of the house working a job and socializing?

I know you roasties have this grand fantasy in your head where you get to sit around the house all day surrounded by cute things and books, but people who work often don't have time to just lounge around the house.

nice floor

do you seriously think the person who owns this place spends their entire day working and socializing. Tell me, do you really believe the shit that comes out of your mouth?

I do because I know people with apartments like this who do exactly that.

Living like that is all I want. I fucking hate clutter

>My boyfriend tells me it looks like I don’t even live in my apartment
>Lie and say I’ve only been here a couple months

>women are surprised that some people live lonely lives
imagine my shock

So much this. This is why I hate not living at my own place right now

he doesn't even have a Live Laugh Love sign on the wall
what a virgin freak

this desu
i don't really have any time for anything at home after work other than making food
my kitchen is probably more furnished kek

Drugs, and lots of stores that sell cheap alcohol around.

Canadian apartments look exactly the same on the videos. At least european posters can play their european card, and bait like that. but Canada is the same as USA? Who are you fooling, leaf? Are you even canadian? Or chinese?

do you buy them

you've just described a typical Russian flat

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My apartment looks similar
I have a bed, my pc, my bikes and nothing else
And a kitchen and bathroom of course

Before I moved in with the gf desu my only decoration was nationalist flags cause I'd just go to work or the pub then come home and sleep

Extremely comfy pic wtf. It reminds me of my paternal grandma's house

Where the fuck do y'all store your clothes, shoes, other unimportant stuff?

In boxes under my bed
shoes just stand next to the door

Id rather have a desk and somebooks

>no wall carpet