Tried to explain my mother crypto

>tried to explain crypto in words only
>mother looked confused
>stopped after a couple of minutes
>tried to explain Jow Forums and meme magic in words only
>mother looked more confused
>stopped after a couple of minutes
>tried to explain everything by showing the bizonacci videos and commenting on them
>stopped after 5 videos
>she thinks this is sick shit
>she looks weird at me after that
>feels like she thinks I'm on drugs or something

don't be me.

Attached: bizonacci.png (214x190, 67K)

Why are you explaining meme magic to your mother you absolUTE RETARD HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

top kek

I wanted to bond..

Keep it to yourself user. She doesn't want your sperg'd technical vomit. She wants you to be happy.

how can I "reverse" and make her forget and ignore what just happened during my revelations..?

cast a magic spell on her

Attached: 1527349769822.png (852x944, 70K)

This touched me in the feels man

you gotta make cummies on picture of OP mom now

A good mom's a big ol' Pepe anyway. She knows you're dank, no need to prove it or reveal to her your inner brilliance.
She knows your greatness. Make her proud.

>tfw my parents are into magick and are conspiracy theorists

touched me

if that makes you feel better, once you go through your 20s you'll become less retarded at expressing your weird internet shit and even your dear mum will understand you
>t. boomer with awkward memories of trying to explain caturday

Teach her how to draw this but dont explain why

Attached: BoomerSigil.jpg (4032x3024, 2.96M)

w-what does this mean?

Masturbate to this. The sigil was developed through decentralized chaos magic to create wealth.

The day after they masturbated to this sigil many Anons reported dreams of worms. One even had a dream of peeing red wine as well. This bodes well and suggests wealth creation and positive personal development and enrichment.

I will post some pictures to enhance your experience

Attached: Charged4.jpg (2048x2048, 969K)

>sigil magic

I think I already crossed some lines.

Attached: Charged3.jpg (2048x2048, 1.11M)

Attached: 1516266457757.jpg (1080x1081, 114K)

Really focus on what this card embodies as you climax.

Completion of personal development, and the creation of wealth to sustain your family. If you do not devote personal time to self improvement this will not be as effective.

Attached: 10ofPentacles.jpg (828x1412, 405K)

or deep dive into the absolute state of mental retardism

you sigil magic inbredish pieces of subhuman scum really deserve to suffer and die

Attached: 1517460477721.jpg (720x613, 64K)

Attached: IMG_4904.png (500x500, 317K)