Stuck in traffic on empty

Got $55k in crypto though.

Am I gonna make it user?

Attached: IMG_20180703_170433.jpg (3024x4032, 3.27M)

Probably. Just be patient, give it a few years. The market is still very young.

Dont text and drive faggot.
Even if your motor vehicle in on, that is considered texting and driving. Please consider the safety of everyone around you before you continue to be a public safety threat.


Sorry officer. I wasnt texting, I was posting on /biz.

You're on your phone and are therefore distracted.


This is a BLUE BOARD, and I can clearly see your butthole and pussy lips. My boss would not approve of me browsing such inappropriate material during break time (only time I would ever go on Jow Forums during work). Please take the concept of a work-safe board seriously whenever you post on one. Last time my boss saw such material momentarily flash on my screen during my break time as I browsed Jow Forums, he gave me a very stern talking to. I explained that this was supposed to be a work-safe board, and he said that if this is truly the case, then I need to make it clear to community that they must refrain from posting NSFW conent on this work-safe board if I wish to browse this board during my personal break time. So, here you go. Thank you.

OP is driving an impala, fucking boomers.

I'm white and have been pulled over countless times for obscure reasons and then am given a warning for something I didn't do. Coincidence?

>shitposting on Jow Forums while driving

you are not going to make it, the main reason will not be your financial decisions though

You're still using your phone while operating a motor vehicle. I implore you to think about the safety of those around you and wait until you get home.

Eat lead

That was a close call. Didn't think I was gonna make it.

Bull market confirmed.

Attached: IMG_20180703_171443~2.jpg (3017x3608, 2.82M)

The people OP kills while texting and driving will be the only ones eating lead, my friend.

My friend, I never use my cell phone unless my vehicle is at a complete stop.

Sometimes it gets pretty hairy out there ;)

What are you going to do it your car stops? You'll be stuck on on that road blocking all the other cars lol

That was my fear, but I made it.

Am I the only one that noticed hes running on fumes?

OP enjoy having literal shit in your engine

you're asking to get robbed with these stickers...

Attached: 478564785634786.gif (250x198, 3.34M)


What they gonna do?

OP, i can't believe you have crypto bumper stickers, one of them ven....says alot about bumper sticker ppl... Show us your Hillary for prez bumper sticker

Considering adding this one. Thoughts?

Attached: download (22).jpg (178x283, 8K)

only if you have a PoS car, even better stick this on your mums car!

Are you a wagecuck on his way to the wageslave dungeon?

gibs us the bitcoins white boi

Attached: 3975240.jpg (400x318, 73K)

Lost em all leveraged trading. Have you considered getting a real job kind sir?

> not driving a Tesla and browsing coinmarketcap on your dashboard
Never going to make it

I literally trade shitcoins while driving

Not off the highway, but we’re all going to make it with crytos