>Spaniards aren’t whi-
Attached: 7D10B870-D38C-47A9-BC47-2C21D2E7F690.jpg (250x375, 20K)
>this is considered white by pedo sexpats
They look like mexicans
Attached: 154687980.jpg (1100x733, 190K)
Average Spaniard
Attached: 91820E09-189C-40EA-8032-9B73009AD786.jpg (200x300, 18K)
Basques aren't white
Madrileños aren't white
Catalans aren't white
>Iranians aren't whi-
Attached: AP08101701527-1024x640.jpg (1024x640, 91K)
>Dude , Spaniards are brow-
Attached: DAEDEB01-3A1F-4D10-9E84-EB84285C11D9.jpg (460x287, 19K)
>Dude, Iranians are shitsk-
Attached: ramin (1).jpg (655x480, 90K)
>Iranians are not wh-
Attached: khatami.jpg (800x656, 137K)
>dude, look at my few cherrypicked pics out of population of 80 million people
Just accept your shitskiness you pathetic faggot
Attached: iranians.jpg (1024x678, 482K)
I don't understand tbqh, ancient Iranians roamed Europe
Attached: ancient iranians.jpg (846x536, 131K)
>Africa begins at the Pyre-
Attached: BC835264-742B-4C54-B6D4-D0F7C44A4343.jpg (225x225, 10K)
>dude, look at my few cherrypicked pics
It's almost like that's what the Spaniards are doing ITT and I was trying to point it out.
Attached: 469c6737960bcbc88648bf6fba2f07f1.jpg (576x324, 58K)
>Why yes, I believe we must keep Spain white. We cannot have the Moors dillute our blood!
Attached: 7EF61486-88FA-4CB7-A8BE-12144A8A0E59.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)
Attached: implyng.jpg (875x540, 74K)
Reminder he is half Dutch too
Do I count as Spanish if both my parents are Spanish?
Non-white aspect of Spanish genes are too strong. You cannot bleach them.
Not exactly , you have to have skin tone as pale as pic related to be considered Spanish
Attached: E285EB9F-B89D-43A3-8794-187DAAAA3365.jpg (400x406, 35K)
>Spaniards are tanne-
Attached: iniesta[1].jpg (423x550, 61K)
depends, how rich are you?
This happened
Attached: 64EF954D-760E-4410-93BD-B751F85AE00D.jpg (1024x703, 165K)
>user , Spaniards can’t have blonde ha-
Attached: A0B89C43-0DAF-445D-BECC-132A6F9F69A7.jpg (236x354, 16K)
you would give both your testicles to lloklike him whypipo
This is not considered blond even in France, you're trying really poorly
Attached: ramos.jpg (250x278, 32K)
>he’s still in denial over Spain being white
Oh no no no
Attached: DAE2DE53-10FD-4EA0-95E2-E448E006FBA2.jpg (177x279, 23K)
Attached: 733.jpg (976x533, 214K)
>he thinks having dark hair is considered not white
Attached: 5210EF08-7D38-4C08-BFD6-AE2B5F746BBB.jpg (324x324, 20K)
A Venezuelan with internet? You must be related to Maduro or something
>discussing with the analbano obsessed with spain
nigga, stop, also we ain't wh*Te so don't bother posting germanic rape babies