The USA is the last hope of the White race

Look at this chart.
It's a projected population in 2050.
Notice something?.
USA is the only majority white country there.
All of us Whites of the world must immigrate to the USA in order to strengthen it.
Otherwise the White race and civilization is doomed.
Imagined a whole world like Somalia, Bangladesha and Pakistan.
Would you want to live in a world like that?.
Would you want your children to live in a world like that?

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ever heard of europe, friend?

What Europe you naive British fool?.
There isn't a single European country in the top 20.
Plus Europe will be overrun by arabs and africans by then.

Russia is the only white country there.
Not even in the current year The USA is majority white.

>USA is the only majority white
>majority white

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>only majority white country
it'll be 30% at most by then lmao


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Yes I want to live in such a world you filthy kike

The East will need to pick up the slack, as usual.

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Never trust the jew.

>Jow Forumstard jew

Truly risible

who the fuck cares about "the white race"

no, fuck usa and fuck israel

WTF Israel? I thought we were friends

Asia #1

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>1.7 billions of indians

imagine the smell

The future is glorious.

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Israelis are the Nazis now, so I guess it makes sense in some disturbing way

>All of us White
But you are a jew, this is part of your masterplan

We the Ashkenwzi Jews are white man.
I care about the survival of my race (White people).

Europe was mistake once they tried to open pandora's box where they colonized Africa and its following shitskins countries.

the future is BRIGHT, full of LIGHT

Holy shit

Average ashkenazi looks like a southern italian wog.

I am sure this is a 100% Japanese blood poster guys, not polfront astroturfing at all

>destroys white
>want to look like white

what did they mean by this ?

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>Ashkenazi are white
You must be mixing that with the other type Nazis, sorry.

Yes, loving each other without looking at how others look and judging their ethnicity :)

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>be ashkenazi jew
>manipulate israel and usa to start countless wars in middle east and africa
>create organizations to encourage mass immigration into europe and north america
>use holocaust oppressionbux to claim they're not white
>whine about oppression while at the same time having their own country and being massively overrepresented in universities, journalism, politics, finances

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>USA is the only majority white country
>white country

Breiwik you have internet in jail? Jesus, Norway's jails are just some parody on jails.

breivik is unironically a zionist artem

They're definitely not as swarthy as the average southern italian, or at least that's the case in the US

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