Are most jobs in finance threatened by automation?

Are most jobs in finance threatened by automation?

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It is the field that is gonna get rekt the most soon.

Probably. The Golden rule seems to be that you're safe in a job that requires face-to-face interaction. (Like a social worker).

There will always be people needed. Just less than before.

Plumbers are pretty safe too. Robots can't do shit like that any time soon.

this what can be done by 5 secretarys now, will be done by 1 secretary in the future. in the future. you wont have a construction team of 5 people, but instead have 1-2 people controlling 10 construction robots.

save jobs are also in humen competition, soccer players, race drivers will all be watched in the future.

lots of the low level office jobs are gonna get rekt for sure
they employ wagecucks to process invoices and that they double check them, sort them etc. but in the future this is all done automatically.
what kind of jobs these people are gonna take when they are not needed anymore?

They'll probably rush to fill secretarial positions because in the future there will still be a preference for human interface

To an extent, I should say. But in terms of office duties having a person is more welcoming than an AI

Do you mean:

"Plumbers are safu"


good thing we have more people than before every single day then

>robots take all comfy office jobs
>heh but at least we still get to clean the toilets

Google recently developed a programm that can copy anyones voice and basically answer phonecalls.
so over time automation will progress further and replace more and more jobs.

Is that really relevant when you call because of a business related problem?

Pretty much lol.

I think so. It wouldn't look good for a company to (visibly) replace everyone with computers. If you were to walk in a corporate office, it would be better to have a nice woman greet you at the desk rather than JARVIS

Adding to this, the more that a job requires multitasking the more resilient to automation it is. So a welder or a lawnmower technician might actually weather automation better than a lot of white-collar workers out there, lol.

Real talk. Nurses are going to be super valued. The population in the US is aging. Only the poorest fags will accept dying with a robot nurse taking care of them

...or a financial advisor

Yep. I have zero interest in taking financial advice from a robot. They're at least going to have to trick me, and get the robot to tell a human, and have the human tell me.

I could see myself being OK with AI replacing surgeons and most hospital personnel. AI should be able to perform precision laser incisions that no human could replicate, and they should be better at not accidentally nicking major arteries.

I have some TA meme lines to sell you on...

If you are an introvert, don't follow your historical tradition of jumping to finance and quantitative finance. Stick to qualitative side of investment wit your own money, not OPM. Career-wise introverts with interests should definitely give "Naturopathy / Nutritionist / Stress Management" as a go. Hard to create a AI-driven stress management/nutrition clinic !
Bonus: Invest into REITs that focus on aged-care and stress-management/holistic clinics.

id rather have a robot nurse than an obese nigger abusing and stealing money from me

... of fucking course they would
if you are an ape punching data into a pc or monitoring data at a pc you can be replaced and could have been replaced years ago, but for the first time in human history humanity has something like a decentralized, always working ledger type-structure.

if you cant help them either improve their data processing you are useless

the reason actual "working" jobs like plumbing wont get replaced is because its actually really expensive to build a robot that can dynamically go into vasty different houses and fuck your wife the right way.
which is why these jobs will stay, noone will invest unreasonable amounts of money into a plumbing robot when your local pipethruster floods through your significant other for a minimal amount of costs, always dynamically, and when he fails its social care that takes the hit, not you.

Its like pilots always fly with autopilot nowadays, but with pilots theres a good reasoning to have someone behind the seat. in finance? who fucking cares? bots trade anyways

Nutrition will be pretty easy to automate once monitoring tech improves. Of course most people are going to throw their super fitbit at the wall when it keeps flashing red telling them to stop being a fatass, but that's not going to bring the human profession back.