Can you purchase Bon-O-Bons in your country? They're these chocolate wafers with peanut cream filling...

Can you purchase Bon-O-Bons in your country? They're these chocolate wafers with peanut cream filling. They're absolutely divine, but I can't get them here.

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Brazil is too far to feed my Bon O Bon addiction.



Colombia is too far to feed my Bon O Bon addiction.

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just order a crate of it online you fucking moron

Argentina is too far to feed my Bon O Bon addiction.


I saw tonnes of them in Brazil. Got sick of em.

Honestly nothing special about them. It feels like those imported turk chocolate bars full of hydrogenated oil that venezuelans sell in public transportation. Just buy a Ferrero, this bon bon is nothing but a brapzilian knockoff lad

Brazil is too far to feed my Bon O Bon addiction.

Fucking disgusting.

Attached: 20140716-evo-morales-afp.jpg (768x509, 48K)

go to a Brazilian store then

I went to several Latin American stores in Brussels saturday. None had Bon O Bon.

amazon has them

There's reeses here if you like peanut shit


Yes, the German Amazon is the only one who will send them to Belgium, though.
Germany is not too far to feed my Bon O Bon addiction.

I don't like Unitedstatian shit.

Chile is too far to feed my Bon O Bon addiction.

yes, i'm not that poor

Paraguay is too far to feed my Bon O Bon addiction.

you could move to latam and satisfy your childish addiction everyday for literal pennies