Food: $10-15 per day

>Food: $10-15 per day
>Apt. Rental: $500 per month
>Electricity: $50 per month
>Water: $50 per month
>Internet: $50 per month
>Total: $660-665
>Annual total: $665 * 12 = $7980
>Max lifespan total: $7980 * 60 (assuming you live until $60) = $478,800

So, to live a wagecuck-less life at the bare minimum (box of pizza a day, mediocre apartment, internet for entertainment) you need at least $478,800.

Your measly 50K is nothing. Boy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>10-15$ a day

>assuming you live until $60
what is this in human years

>eating on a dollar a day

The state of america.

Or just a consistent income of $8000 a year

If you can get by on less I want to hear your wisdom user

I know...easily 25-30/day

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>apartment 500 a month
Make that 850 a month for a cuckshed if you live in California/NJ/NY

>10-15 per day
Are you fucking with me?

What said. $10-$15 food budget is for closers.

Also your bills should be halved because you're sharing them with a room mate.

Also you didn't include investment return or inflation impacts in your calculations, proving that you are barely qualified to work at McDonalds.

>$500/month apartment

This OP you're fucking up
Eat well for $4 a day

OP has an IQ below 60 and yet figured out how to browse the web. Bravo

You are like little babby, watch this
>implying you were going to get a nutrient rich diet anyway

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What about inflation, you know nothing, keep wageslaving goy!

you forgot to add the food which is 300-400 a month according to 10-15 a day

Also where are you getting a 500/month apartment?

Also what about car insurance,gas, or bus pass, phone bill

>not living in a van

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Jesus that looks comfy

what about the toilet?

>14 egg whites
>frozen vegetables
>2 avocados
>1 cup of oatmeal
>4 oz canned pumpkin
>10 oz of chx ($1.99 / lb)
>half can of beans
>3 oz of granola

thats literally like MAYBE $6, and its healthy af

>2 avocados
>canned pumpkin
Nigger you best be shitting me, that shit ain't cheap

can of pumpkin 99 cents with the grocery brand
avocados are $1 a piece or less if you buy from sams club, etc

those little silver bags hanging up

why don't you just kill yourself if you don't intend on doing anything with your life?

Kek I spend more than $665/mo just on uber and bar tabs are people on this board seriously this fucking poor?

epic life xDDDD
being drunk is so BASED xDDDDDDD

I really doubt you eat canned pumpkin you disingenuous fucking faggot

>maybe $6
You're not very good at math are you?

I can easily spend $25-$30 a day on food, and that's not even going to a sit down restaurant

>thats literally like MAYBE $6

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>not using the charlie method

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Learn to shop retard. Smart money here

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heres the trick to saving money; you literally dont go to restaurants or bars

>you are welcome

I probably spend less than $5/day for food.

Wake up late NEET style, eating a tea and some biscuits making a breakfast and launch togheter.
Pasta with zucchini for dinner, for example today.
Fruit if I'm hungry during the day/night

Eating canned not fresh produce isn't smart.

y fagit

you don't eat that raw. you have that left over from thanksgiving for pumpkin pies.

i mix it with oatmeal (which I cook w/ water) fuck face

buy a slow cooker or use an oven. I like slow cooker because i bought a massive one

make lentils, or chicken, or pot roast in said slowcooker in bulk. Buy cheap ziplock bags and freeze portions. Take out a bag/2 a day and throw in microwave to defrost

For breakfast, buy bulk oats from wholefoods at a dollar a pound, great with milk and some sugar
scout stores for sales on eggs.

Overall you'll probably end up spending 4-7 dollars max depending on if you can get shit on sale

can't imagine what your shit looks like, eating canned pumpkin and 14 eggs every day

im in the bathroom for approximately 30 seconds, my fiber high af

get on my level and start lifting

first of all, you're not eating 14 eggs a day

and at best, you eat 10oz of chicken

your daily protein intake is probably less than 100g

you're never gonna make it

im literally not taking pictures of egg shells for you kike shill

haha grain-fed idiots ITT

I'm a kike shill because you're lying about your daily diet to impress strangers on a Botswanian rock stacking forum?

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14 eggs isn't shit pussy especially if you just drink them down quickly

colorado is around $1000 now for a shithole 1 bed apartment these days on the lowend.

heres a trick i learned:

food doesnt taste good if its not made professionally at a restaurant

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>live with mommy in big nice home with a pool.
>free food.
>cooks for me, cleans for me.
>zero debt, zero expenses.
>all of my money is invested.
>mom gives me money to buy vidya whenever I want

Feelsgoodman. Im also holding 3k OMG and have a lot of money in top stocks like nivida and Amazon. NEET master race forever. Wagecucks will never make it.

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what a good consumerist goy

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>room mate

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Kek, this

not to mention cooking takes hours of work and cleaning dishes and shit

its a hassle

seriously fuck cooking that shit should be something you pay for other people to do

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i live in south florida you cant get a 1 bedroom under 1000$

a room in someone elses house you get for like 600$ maybe but thats in someone elses home

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>calls people consumerist for eating at restaurants
>advocates buying food from the supermarket

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try living in liberal hell hold. I live in MA and make $15k/m, but >40% goes to taxes, $1100 for housing, $500+ for food, end up only saving around $70k/year where I should be able to put away 6 figures my income.

>and make $15k/m,

poor guy

try me being a neet with 0 income

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what do you do for a living

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that's pretty much average in blue state cities. but good luck saving over 50% of that

>pretty much average
>still doesnt tell me what he does for a living

because i would still be making 0$ if i lived in massechusets and at best minimum wage

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The average is less than half that before tax. $6275

$1 cheeseburger at McDonald's plus a free burger from taking the survey on the receipt.

median household is not comparable to average full time...

Law, medicine, software, he could be lots of things.

*throws you back in your cage*

$15 can buy you a lot of beans and rice, boy. Also, learn to take showers like a Navy sailor and don't flush the toilet unless it's shit.

Avocados sour is season are $2 each in their own, where the fuck are you shopping to get this for $6

Someone's jealous

You have a hatch built in the back. Just go for a little drive, take a dump and quickly drive off.

>50k a year
Half of all Americans make less than $15 an hour. That's fucked.

>the average in blue state cities
Yeah it's literally a small enclave of rich fucks that only got their jobs through their connections. I'm a millennial and everyone my age in NYC only has a job because of rich parents and their inherent social crowd. It's literally that and poor people that only make $12 an hour. I gave up on nyc a long time ago. I'm well educated and applied to like 700 jobs and couldn't get shit. Fuck that communist hell hole.

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> Nobody has noticed that OP's budget is actually 950-1100 a month not 660-665.

None of you are going to make it

Wtf are you on you dumb ass motherfucker

>I'm a millennial and everyone my age in NYC only has a job because of rich parents and their inherent social crowd.
cope. if you were actually well educated and applied to "700 jobs" you'd easily have a job by now. you either did poorly at a garbage no name university or majored in something useless like art history.

I have an Accounting/Finance degree you fucking nogger. And coding skills. AND a firm handshake.

> Food 10-15 a day
> Only 1 day in a month

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>food 10-15 per day

I eat at chipotle every day and get all my calories in one meal for $7. Get creative N I G G A

ya if you were really smart you would have jumped through hoops after having jumped through hoops that were positioned in front of more hoops so that you could get to the hoops at the end of the hoopchain....poorfag

Wouldn't that be 10 to 15 to the power of 30 for avg days in month? That's like so much money for pizza.

Boomers will only live another 30-40 years if they play it safe, not 60 years

>do well on SAT. easy because most high school kids are tards who take it blind
>go to whatever school you want that offers you a full ride
>major in stem or business
yeah sure seems like a lot of hoops to jump through

1. Inflation
2. You spend more, not less, as you age

Make more money is answer.


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Not including NYC, where I pay 3000 for a 2br half a block away from the projects. Not to mention the place is old, tiny, and falling apart. How tf does anyone afford anything in this city?

>Food: $10-15 per day
>Apt. Rental: $500 per month

RIP user, that's like 6-10x what I pay.

>Live in the Philippines
>Can eat at places where everything costs less than $1 pic related
>Rent a 2-floor apartment with 2 bedrooms, a separate kitchen, living room, and separate shower and bathroom for $85, pic related (lower portion)
> Exchange rate is $1 = PhP53.36

Using your computation:
>Food: $3 per day
>Apt. Rental: $85 per month
>Electricity: $50 per month
>Water: $10 per month
>Internet: $50 per month
>Total: $285
>Annual total: $285 * 12 = $3420
>Max lifespan total: $3420 * 60 (assuming you live until $60) = $205,200

Also you can get big tit 10/10 asian hookers here for as cheap as $20 each. It's cheap af to live like a king.

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it sounds cheap until youre a neet in the united states who doesnt make 85$ a month

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You'd actually need $266k, not $400k. And that's accounting for inflation (so in 10 years you take out more than you do today to account for inflation). Studies show that a 3% withdrawal rate is safe for retirement.

I thought it was 4%?

>Food, Rent, Utilities
>Internet Home, Internet Phone
>Haircut (x2), Transport
>Fitness with pool, Debit Card MC + Visa
>Mobile Phone, Vitamins
>G Suite, Hosting, Domain, VPN
~700 usd/mo here. after all expenses i'm pocketing around 70k/year, but i only started working a year ago. also my country's currency is weak and the govt is shorting it, so i would only benefit since i get payed in USD. one of my hobbies is being frugal is fuck - clothes-wise i look like a bum, can wear dirty clothes and not shave just to fuck with normies. damn it feels good to be a future millionaire. also thinking about moving back to my home to save 300$/mo on rent but not sure yet.

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>wipe ass
>get paid 90/hr
>lift up the scrotum for bonus pay

Be a nurse anons

also go for a swim in the morning and take a shower there instead of rental apt to save on water bill.

lol, water is like $20 you fucking cheap jew

in fitness i can literally brush teeth, shave and spit on the floor, make a mess and the janitors will take care of it plus additional motivation to exercise daily. i get free water(my water bill went down ~60%), janitors that will clean after me, fit bod, endorphins for the day - it's a good deal. and yes, i have relatives in israel, but they poor. i'm the only actual jew in the family

It's impossible to live frugally if there any women in, near or around your life

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>live in Croatia
>live on scalping shitcoins
>no tax on buttcoins

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>>Apt. Rental: $500 per month
>considering retiring without buying your gig
It's like you want to get back to work within 5 years

I only have 10k

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