How will she be remembered?
How will she be remembered?
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Savior of Europe
An instrument of Allah
destroyer of wh*Toids
Saved Europe from racism.
It's more racist than it probably ever has been since WWII
Well she is more or less liked by most of the CDU and Greens - so over all positiv.
She will hit another drop in fav. when article 13 hits, bc she promised there will be no uploadfilter, but now she personally pressed for those.
Also AKK (the new partie-head is looking into the refugee-crisis and admitting that Germany was not handling everything right, which will also fall back on Merkel).
But the long game could go in two different ways.
Either she will be an immortal symbol for the unity of Europe & good times (in case everything goes to shit).
Or she will be remembered as an undemocratic and inefficient politician.
(Depends on weather the canceler after does an better job.)
Also keep in mind that Merkel might run as President of the EU in some years !!!!
If that happens her legacy isn't even remotely finished.
Favourably by Germans, unfavourably by everybody else
the third german to put europe ablaze
when europeans are mature enough to handle constructive debate on refugees without shouting racist at each other she will be remembered poorly
she is personally responsible for hundreds of deaths and its impossible to know how many were enslaved by traffickers due to her 'come here refugees, no we won't transport you ourselves just pay the traffickers' policy
she directly lead to the splitting of the EU
she acted imperiously
its amazing that germans still support her, the propaganda machine must be well oiled in germany
Empress and Consort to Emperor Macron the first European Dynasty since the Romvns
>Says she will welcome refugees as per international conventions
She's such a scapegoat while really barely doing or saying anything.
>while really barely doing or saying anything.
Are you trolling, lad?
with a rather short mustache attached.
Ok let's see what she did or said
>Bomb middle east
oh nope
>Place herself as the leader of EU
oh no it's Macron trying it
>Change law specifically to allow more refugees in
She's a an old woman trying to be humanitarian. You think her words somehow displaced all those people, and not guns, bullets, and the overall situation of Europe and the weakness of EU borders being inexistent once Italy or similar fuck ups?
Wir schaffen das
The fifth wheel of a truck of peace
she is directly responsible, refugees were applying for asylum in the EU countries without making the journey to the EU via traffickers, human trafficking and death at sea and by their hands is not a new issue and if she took the time to lay out a responsible policy instead of trying to appeal to the voters it would have been easy to prevent
our left and right party both have the policy that no refugee will be admitted if they arrive via traffickers, european debate about refugees is all about who is the biggest racist and not constructive at all, merkel took advantage of that to appear to be a humanitarian while doing more harm than ever thought possible
she is not seen as an evil person now but in future when propaganda is no longer required and the truth of her policies is actually understood by the average european they will know her deeds
Which did jackshit, besides people trying to use it against Germany or entirety of EU. Just like they try to say Germany is running all of EU and responsible for everything, Euro included.
A few years ago she was well respected in the Netherlands. Now everyone hates her.
I'm pretty sure she will be remembered by her last act. In a negative way.
>Which did jackshit
Yes, the huge fucking spike in peoples from Africa and the Middle East in the Autumn of 2015 arriving on European shores was "jack shit". How fucking ignorant are you, son?
I'm not blaming the EU or Germany for this. I'm blaming Merkel, you know, the topic of this thread.
vote AfD and this cunt will be non history. And Germany can be Germany again.
Who the fuck do you think screens refugees first in Europe? Germany with BALTIC SEA or certain countries south of there.
First you say she said something, then you say she didn't do anything, and then you think she has really done any "deeds".
Germany can't improve Italy's borders, or really do anything but ask any EU country to do anything. She can't really build a wall around Germany unless she wants EU to implode either.
Oh yes it's all thanks to some politician's words, not the fucking situation and absolute state of Syria.
>just like
try reading
Probably the greatest German leader since Bismarck. Under her leadership Germany experienced a period of political stability and almost continued economic growth. Tax revenue rose to a record high, so did employment rate. The national debt was reduced by 50% despite the bailout programs. She single-handed averted the sovereign debt crisis and contained the damages of the great recession. She asserted independent German foreign policy objectives and assumed the leadership role within the European Union.
Polish agent
>Oh yes it's all thanks to some politician's words, not the fucking situation and absolute state of Syria.
It's genuinely embarrassing that you think it's just Syrians that contributed to the migrant crisis. Almost as embarrassing as your desperate defence of a reckless and irresponsible cunt who encouraged millions people to migrate to Europe with her poor choices of words.
It would have been fine I guess if it was Germany's borders along The Med, but they aren't. She's a fucking fool.
>try reading
Indeed you should, you demented freak.
>Probably the greatest German leader since Bismarck.
That would be Adenauer
>Under her leadership Germany experienced a period of political stability and almost continued economic growth.
Except the country is now the most political unstable since Nazi Germany and we're on the way to another recession
Tax revenue rose to a record high, so did employment rate.
>Implying tax revenue going up is a good thing, employment numbers are fake too
>The national debt was reduced by 50% despite the bailout programs.
Which was a mistake, investments should have been made and we wouldn't have a projected GDP growth of only 1% in 2019
>She single-handed averted the sovereign debt crisis and contained the damages of the great recession.
She did literally not, the recession hit us more than almost any other country
>She asserted independent German foreign policy objectives and assumed the leadership role within the European Union.
Yeah and everyone hates us for that
ruiner of germany
>It's genuinely embarrassing that you think it's just Syrians that contributed to the migrant crisis
Syria is literally the reason that set off all the migration from just about everywhere else.
>Almost as embarrassing as your desperate defence of a reckless and irresponsible cunt who encouraged millions people to migrate to Europe with her poor choices of words.
I bet you're one of those who overuse "virtue signaling" "it's just words" "hate speech is free speech". There is no established causal link between her words and the flood. Nothing nearly as strong as a death cult raging in Syria or shitty external border of EU that breaks with its weakest chain.
>Indeed you should, you demented freak.
Why so angry? Why aren't there millions of refugees coming to Canada seeing how Truedau is just as welcoming? Because all she did was do as she was supposed to do and accept asylum seekers. Italy and other countries failed to screen them, Germany had to screen them yet again. In fact Germany at most managed to absolutely just take more of refugees that already came to Europe, which rest of the Europe should be thankful for.
She's literally the case of a politician who did nothing, said less than 99% of what is being thrown around from people like Macron, Trump, entirety of British politics, or even Poland or Hungary.
One of the destroyers who destroyed Germany
>She's literally the case of a politician who did nothing
At this point I can only assume this is a top trolling effort, because even when links are posted that prove you wrong, you still contradict facts.
Howling at this GermPole. lmao
Do you realise that she suspended the Dublin Regulations?
Do you know what that is?
she sure gonna make something in a few years
we make it
who hung indonesia upside down and beat him into brain damaged state?
>Probably the greatest German leader since Bismarck
Wilhelm Pieck
evil nazi capitalism?
no thank you
they're not Nazi's lol.
but really right wing
People don't realise just how effective she was, which is exactly how you know such an effective leader. Germany is now the dominant force in Europe economically and politically. By keeping the Euro intack she has given Germany hegemony for years to come. Jow Forumstards and the like don't actually understand global politics so they don't realise this. They're entire worldview is shaped by a frothing of the mouth hatred of anything foreign. Anyone with a brain can see that she has been by far the best leader of the 21st century.
>nazi capitalism
Nati = Nationalsozialist
Why capitalism?
Isn't it impossible?
the afd promotes the rich and big markets
So far so good Nigel.
Also she was cute.
Would post uncensored but then I have to reset my router.
the queen of refugees
as the brilliant Polish special agent that destroyed Germany from within once and for all
I think that is same as current Germany
What is difference between Afd and them?
>Jow Forumstards
Wow, such great insight.
^^^^ this is me.
I love the fact that nearly every post in this thread is about refugees, particularly the cringy Brit arguing with the Pole. It just goes to show how so many people on Jow Forums view politics as some kind of adversarial game (too much video games manchild?) rather than a rational means to achieving political and economic power. It seems as though no-one can even name any policies except DA RAPEFUGEES XDXDXD
germany now liberals and wir schaffen das
afd right wing a lot of propaganda
im 2 lazy to explain sry its really much
This reads like a Lauren Southern book.
Are you a Brexiter by any chance? Given tyar your entire political knowledge seems to be based around foreigners, I'm going to go ahead and assume you passionately support Brexit. Can you tell me about the 40 trade deals and how we hold all the cards in negotiations with the EU?
>Germany is now the dominant force in Europe economically and politically.
They were before under Gerhard Schröder. I guess you were a little boy then though so don't remember.
>Given tyar your entire political knowledge seems to be based around foreigners,
Lmao, based on what, you jumped up cunt?
A cunt. The infrastructure and education system is as rotten and desolate as 20 years ago.
But hey we have records of tax income, and we are #1 in the EU.
just research afd. they are right wing, they dont like multiculturalism, basically they're sick and tired of extremism and un skilled foreigners.
>It seems as though no-one can even name any policies except DA RAPEFUGEES XDXDXD
Yes, imagine arguing a specific point someone raised, you cringey Reddit tit.
No that's not the case. German export power is greater under Merkel which gives Germany political clout over Eurozone members.
Every post ITT is just about muh refugees. Did you know that politics existed before then? Look at how she handled the Euro crisis, her central bank did nothing with it's huge reserves and she kept Greece in the Euro with massive concessions. Not quite as impressive as Nigel Farage drinking a pint of ale in a pub but still quite impressive.
when will people learn that having lots of money means dick all when your country is becoming an immigrant shithole.
Except it is the case. I'm not denying that Germany is the "dominant force in Europe economically and politically" now, which you stupidly seem to think. I'm pointing out to you that they were under too under Schröder. Do you understand this?
It really isn't the same. Other Eurozone countries are running huge deficits against Germany now, trapping them in the German political sphere. Before Merkel it was nothing like it.
>Every post ITT is just about muh refugees
Nope, try reading it. And as I have told you; I was addressing a specific point that the Pole raised. If you stopped trying to be a clever cunt with your pathetic and desperate strawman arguments and followed the conversation chain, it's there for you to see.
>b-but economic growth
>b-but diversity is our strength
>b-but spicy foods and camp carnivals
Do you struggle to understand words? Do you read posts and see things there that aren't? At no point did I say it was the same. What I did say (three times now), is that Germany were the dominant force in Europe economically and politically before Merkel became Chancellor.
theres never any help threads here, its just /pol garbage..
why does deepl red line me all the time?
>Favourably by Germans
fuck you
>and she kept Greece in the Euro with massive concessions
Ah yeh, by imposing austerity on Greece when we didn't want it.
Merkel's tenure will be defined by the mess she made of the migrant crisis and the domestic political repercussions (AfD, rise of far-right) Germany will endure because of that.
In fact, you could even argue that her handling of that crisis played it's part in delivering Brexit, Gilles jaunes, far-right populism in Europe and damage to the EU.
pretty shit but all german leaders are satraps and germany is an economic colony of the united states so it's a mediocre person for a mediocre position.
How many have been sent back?
Eliminatrix of the german people
Gonna have a cheeky wank over her jowels.
less than 10% and the number is still growing by 500 a day
i dont live in germany ya doink, i only study the language.
You elected her bruh
Second coming of Hitler who used the masses of Arabs to annhilate the Jews in Germany a second time, this time without putting any actual German citizens directly to blame.
If she becomes President of Germany, and her disciple KKK becomes Reichskanzler, her indirect rule over Germany could last another decade easily.
What? It's true, Germanbro.
Every cunt in the EU except for you dislikes her
nah, germany is exploding in the next decade