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Austin Edwards
Aiden Robinson
not a fan of nigger music
Matthew Howard
rorke durst not alight here after the sound and merry battering he received in the thread the last
Dylan Green
rorke out cold
Charles Martin
that looks like my cat
wonder if the tip of its tail is white like my cat
Matthew Hernandez
Parker Edwards
Luis Mitchell
wacky vacation inna gulf
Noah Howard
Remember to buy British lads
Jacob Williams
Logan Diaz
sucking a golf ball
Cooper Lee
William Jenkins
listening to israeli pop music
Gavin Powell
don't get it
Nathan Ross
William Torres
love self
hate self
the perennial conflict
Christian Taylor
NO, goy. Support the ZOG.
You like Ashkenazi arses right?
Benjamin Thomas
sucking a tennis ball
Benjamin Edwards
blog on neurotypical
Lucas Harris
al shalom la hashem by the goys
Henry King
Why do Americans like being watched while having a shit?
Nathan Flores
tfw cant even talk about the weather because /brit/ could doxx me to within 100 miles which is close enough proximity to figure out my uni and the city i live in
Colton Nguyen
Christopher Hernandez
Going to the airport in a few days. Don't know if I'm even properly packed haha
Carter Nelson
Kevin Carter
we're all sobbing we can't hear you post about the weather.
Parker Miller
you could post your home address and no one would do anything because no one gives a flying fuck about you you utter sad case
Thomas Roberts
Imagine the fucking smell.
Jacob Hall
Julian Long
terrified of using the phone, me
not even a virgin freak
Luis Gutierrez
So what did we all think about the EU doc lads?
Daniel Brooks
people would definitely send me dragon dildos
Parker Bailey
downloading devil may cry 4 special edition lads
Oliver Ross
Lloyd Russell-Moyle is a degenerate faggot
David Ward
Easton Hall
see you fags later
Luis Rivera
as i said that wouldnt happen
you have a horribly inflated ego
noo one cares about your wank community college life
Colton Mitchell
lmao good post
Andrew Morris
good post
Asher Edwards
The Jews are pushing interracial propoganda agian
Evan Jackson
everyone around me says i'm handsome
i have a gf
i look stunning in mirrors
yet i look like a fucking disfigured dog in photos, whats up with this?
Jonathan Brown
Alexander Nguyen
poo, lads
Christian Turner
nobody cares
i've posted which city i live in loads of times
even posted my street when it was relevant
there's 2-3 mental cases who want to know /brit/ posters personal details, the people who actually encourage these tripfags and probably have files on them, save pics of them etc
the rest of us are only interested in your ideas
/b/ would dox and torment you "for the lulz" if they could
but /brit/ is mostly grown up men, not gossipy little girls or sadistic pranksters
Ian Edwards
kemptown mentioned
Daniel Mitchell
i was doxxed by /brit/ once and someone was sending things to my friends on facebook. quite autistic desu
Nicholas White
mates call me jimmy no mates
Isaiah Gutierrez
for me, it's christy canyon
Samuel Wright
i shag
Jacob Clark
Thomas Long
blog on
Ian Nelson
why don't americans eat offal
Andrew Lewis
The fried bacon sarnie
Lucas Jackson
are you the lad who gets just eat orders and drink snakebite
Noah Harris
alri nigel
Gavin Wood
Jason Brooks
Absolute state of runts that don't read.
David Cooper
Christian Taylor
Nolan Ward
was ok
seemed more objective the bbc usually is
didn't ask any "normal" folks their thoughts though
probably scared they'd be killed by nazis if they interviewed anti-immigration leaders
Jacob Cook
Landon Morris
Dominic Sanders
Only virgin freaks shag.
Adam Cox
look at him
Lincoln Jenkins
Jose Torres
yeah i post it all the time because it's often relevant to my posts
not bothered if people know that "Anonymous" lives in hull
what can they do with that info?
Xavier Young
I am a nazi
Connor Kelly
got a new oneitis lads
it's the old oneitis from last year
Kayden Watson
not saying
Julian Williams
Luke Hill
i am dad
Thomas Parker
What wrong with a fried bread sarnie?
Bentley White
>me: hi
>youtube: remember exactly where you left off watching that video about how banana slugs mate nine years ago? I do
Gabriel Phillips
how is a city or town even doxxable in the slightest you paranoid freaks
I'm 23 and live in Wolverhampton, I dare you to do something about it
Joseph Gonzalez
Christopher Taylor
i'm 33 and I live in lincoln
Joseph Bennett
Watching BBC news and they just did a segment on anti antisemitism claiming that there were 600+ claims of antisemitism without a shred of evidence. The only thing close to evidence they showcased was ken livingstons two year old comments about Hitler that werent even anti-Semitic.
What a waste of time, could have reported on something of actual relevance instead
Aaron Green
my condolences
Colton Cox
reported you to the nonce hunters, jeremy
Gabriel Kelly
its all muslims mate but exposing that is racist
Nicholas Gonzalez
grim beyond all conception
Michael Thomas
thoughts on warrington?
Jeremiah Jenkins
Tusk is a dimwit.
Merkel is deranged.
Eastern Europe seem to be the the only countries that want to protect Europe.
Varoufakis hates the EU with every fibre of his being.
Turkey's coup prevented a monumental fuck up for the union.
Aiden Gomez
uhhhuhuh look out mate... im gonna show you a 'pizza' my mind hahahaha.....
Luke Hughes
Watching the wire
David Thomas
channel 4 right now lads
Carson Bell
life is better after 0.5mg of xanax.
you can go to busy places or a city and it doesnt make you sick from anxiety
Xavier Hall
im 28 and live in sydney
Elijah Wilson
Shut the fuck up faggot
Nathan Scott
problematic post
Chase Williams
19 Norwich
Henry Edwards
Matthew Martin
I will heem you faggot bitchboy
Xavier Lee
unironically think I know you
Austin Evans
Kevin Collins
didnt read this post lol
Gavin Thomas
Brit: Stupid fat fucking yank FOY. You dumb cunts coulnd't even point to Monaco on a map. Know fuck all about geography the lot of you.
Yank: Hm, yeah, you maybe right, but I bet you couldn't put out Costa Rica on a map
Brit: FOY. Like I give a fuck about some irrelevant smelly mexican shithole
Adam Gray
Xavier Martin
Dylan Bell
havent gotten anxious in a good while but cant seem to make small talk without benzos or drink