I'm superior to you in every way possible

I'm superior to you in every way possible.

Attached: 1544985690918.png (609x597, 105K)

Can you do a handstand with only one hand?

Post superior belly

You don't even have working plumbing

Post superior thights

i have longer penis

Why don't you clean your ass after shitting, mutt. You're fucking disgusting.

Who needs plumbing when you have a hardy immune system that allows you to swim in shit.

I live at a superior latitute, therefore you are inferior. Checkmate.

But I do need some imposrtant tools to kill insects like you.

Attached: How to kill chinks.jpg (385x879, 88K)

Are you superior at being inferior to me?

Don't act like you're hot shit, Pajeet

Not that hard tb h


Bro, I meant it as a compliment. I've seen your rivers.

Don't act like you're anything other than a disgusting fat subhuman, mutt.

But I didn't, your kind needs to exterminated from this planet.



I'm not a chink. I have Indian friends as well. It was just banter.

Who left you out of the cage today?


>doesn't shit in a toilet
"im superior to you in every way possible"


t. pajeeto

t. pajeetut studying some autistic computer science abroad

Yet here you are, trying to convince me.

There are countries in sub saharan africa more developed than india

shhh don't let tech support know that

>it's another "Amerimutt" episode

Attached: Amerikek.gif (600x450, 1001K)

Iā€™m 6ā€™5ā€, how tall are you?

The most developed subsaharan country is Indian

its always one of those episodes

Dont lie Chandragupta Singh

>I'm superior to you in every way possible.

I have a toilet, checkmate faggot


Attached: ENOUGH FROM THE FROG.png (2000x2000, 831K)

Fucking bs.