Is this country really as depressing as people say?

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It’s got shitty weather

This movie is an accurate depiction of life in Britain

Dude are you okay

yea it's under an overcast shit bubble
even their promotional advertising has cloudy skies, i guess not to trick people cuz that would be mean

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No britain has taken depression and turned it into a good thing. If you have depression there is no better place than the UK to go around being sad.
It's fucking kino

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my country is way more depressing than foreigners think, because foreigners work high wage jobs in their 1st world countries and then just come here to get blackout drunk with our low tax alcohol

At least they don't have super cold winters.

>1st worlders are happy, i don't see them wageslave for 340 days a year to buy some drinks in malaga they're happy i swear

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what did I just watch? there is some serious projection going on in that clip.

OP you are are mistaking gallows humour & sarcasm for genuine depression, it's really not all that bad, though there are depressing parts of the country, the weather really just suits my melancholy moods rather nicely.

they literally work less hours than us and still get wayyy better pays, besides having a more flexibility in the job market and in the educational system

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hours of work =/= productivity
you southrons work very slowly, and often take breaks. a german will finish 2 hours work in 1 hour, you will finish it in 3

No, I want to leave this shithole behind forever


Manchester is fucking great

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life is more tolerable when you work in a relaxed environment not like a germ that works nonstop

working 7 hours 5 days a week is more tolerable than working 7 hours 6 days a week, or 8 hours 5 days a week.

>saving the beer while collapsed
absolute lad

thats true user, up here scottish winters dont really compare to yours, but I always prefer the cold anyway so I probably wouldn't mind if I ever visited overseas

we actually have decent productivity if you look at the same sectors
the people that seem to be lazy are government workers. hate those fucks.

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not if you love your job because workers are chill and you get to hang out in the break room 2 hours a day socializing.

Prefer overcast weather.
Fuck the sun.

I never knew you lads were all robots

until you're in overcast weather 240 days and you feel like pic related

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The grass seems greener on the other side. Being confined to the indoors by oppressive cold, gets to you after a while.

you only say that because you only lived in australia where its sunny as fuck
i live in the rainy part of spain and it blows to have a summer that only lasts a week without rain

idk man I like it, i guess it depends where you live. I live in a small northern village, it's nice to walk up to the pub for a pint, or walk around some country house or fields

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>the people that seem to be lazy are government workers. hate those fucks.
at least we have something in common

if you spend 2 hours a day socializing on your job you only work 5-6 hours in total. at my job there's a 15min break for each 3 hours of work

Productivity is another word for exploitation.
Your boss doesn't pay you extra if you make him more, instead he reduces staff and pays you the same while he pockets the benefits.
Why is it we look down on the poor for being "lazy" yet chastise ourselves for not being exploited efficiently enough for business owners who wouldn't put in a quarter of effort you exert in your work day?
It sure must be nice to be born into the sorts of privilege all of these wealthy yet lazy people were arbitrarily granted. They get life handed to them, get sent to the most exclusive schools, have the best connections, inherit companies and we let them allow us to feel like a lesser human being for not making them as much money and hour as the guy next to us.

I enjoy that feel though user, I can't really explain it. I know for certain I would miss the weather if I relocated somewhere sunny all the time, I can only do it in short bursts - to each their own.

Fuck the sun.

>if you spend 2 hours a day socializing on your job you only work 5-6 hours in total. at my job there's a 15min break for each 3 hours of work

yea that's what im saying, work here is more relaxed i'd kill myself if i had to work like a european

>spend all life in sunny place
>move to glasgow because "fuck the sun"
>kill yourself 2 months later from the depression of not having sun

No but it’s overrated af. Expensive, full with ethnic shit, locals are literally DailyMail tier. Most Romanian people are leaving it now because the Brexit uncertainty, they are expecting worse employment and higher taxes. There was an article of a guy who moved there in 2004, before Romania was EU, he studied at Harvard and ended up working in the ministry of finance. He comuted 85 miles to work then 85 miles back on a bus. Couldn’t afford car. Shared a small house with 2 other Romanian guy. Was 32-33 and he couldn’t afford to get married as well.
That’s not a fucking life for me.

you just don't understand do you

>my home is depressing because people come here to party sometimes

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I thought Russia was the depressing country


The UK is beautiful and has the best weather in the world

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that explains 'banter'.
the concept of banter seems to be a loophole so that depressed alcoholic people could be openly dicks to each other