**worships a cube**

**worships a cube**

Attached: 10632656_1221484064548233_3920947812166071652_n.jpg (800x800, 106K)

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imagine the ____

smell of feet

*worships nothing*

Attached: 834eac1a858af94dbbe58598fdd6ccda.jpg (625x833, 103K)

What’s inside?

A meteor and some rugs

nothing, it's empty
the whole point though is that it was build by Abraham in command of God so this is the only building on Earth that is directly supervised by Him

also its said the material is funky and maybe E.T. and even better it's coordinates are the golden ratio or something

>nothing, it's empty

Attached: Muslim Chad.jpg (768x960, 118K)

Attached: 1549963911797.jpg (124x165, 7K)

It is right?
Also i'm learning new fucking stuff about my religion I previously didn't know
Apparently Adam built it first and it turned black because of our sin.