
komitas edition


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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=560&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=uadiXPreMr6Ak74P2OC0wAg&q=toe arthritis&oq=toe arthritis&gs_l=img.3..0i19l3j0i7i30i19l5j0i8i7i30i19l2.1999.4002..4375...1.0..0.121.550.0j5......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i7i30j0i8i7i30j0i8i30.le3lt3aVCKE#imgrc=ajoVaQdHVKQtsM:

>this scares and confuses the wh*toid

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we need to start importing young macedonian males to breed our women
it's the only way we can boost bulgarian birth rates

>hello devoiche
>sorry, can't talk, i'm in a hurry to get to the office
>epa ia imam sex-passport, ke te liubam naburzo
>o-oh why didn't you mention that sooner
>population growth

*noises of fear and confusion*

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>GERBery will fall for this

I've changed. Can you say the same about your fetishistic lifestyle?


Shut up, low IQ retard.

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nokia phones were better
i feel bad for modern children

i am a provincial and i am okay with bulgaria dying out

Oh no no no

we know selyaks are very negativist, you do not surprise us

yes, actually its all a huge plot by MI6
they spent months looking up all the russians who visited salisbury and found these 2 gay guys
and you know how it is, it's better to be a murderer than to be a faggot in russia, but you ideally don't want to be either
their interview for RT was hilarious as fuck

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Letovo ke oda u bugarska i ke si zemam nekoja mazna bugarska putka za zhena

That's not me you idiot Rasha


How long until Animegay starts transitioning?

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ah, the denial strategy

Lmao imagine that being your daughter.

Inache vakva kurava neka krshi glava vo Amsterdam nekade, karta vo eden pravec za nea samo. Ja ke zemam nekoe mlado chupe od Blagoevgrad.

greeks wore dresses
vikings had long hair
scots still wear skirts
christians are good people
and being cute is a compliment

i for one am very much into "tomboy" girls with short hair, and i'm sure there are grills who are into "me", that doesn't mean either of us is "gay" or "confused" for watching japanese animated tv shows

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Jaз cyм oт Гopнa Џyмaјa

Ah, the fabricating evidence strategy.

кaктo caкaш, пo-дoбpe мaкeдoнeц oт кoлкoт чyждeнeц

do you wish to be a cute girl

Mилo ми e, јac вo cлoбoднo вpeмe пpoдaвaм лyбeници нa пaзapoт вo Capaмзaлинo (Џyмaјлијa).

Where is this chat from

>i'm sure there are grills who are into "me"
Your virginity says otherwise

Anyway 6hrs and 18mins till my ban is gone

I was banned for spamming :/

I want to punch something whenever I read your posts. Just shut the fuck up already, weebtard.

the process is pretty simple
>no female attention
>don't feel masculine enough
>brain needs affection
>hey... girls get a lot of affection
>become the girl


Attached: cute-anime-girl-blue-eyes-smiling.jpg (1600x900, 153K)

c тoя ceлcки aкцeнт, бpaт ми, нaй-мнoгo нeкoя oт Якopyдa или Бeлицa, дeтo мeчкитe зимaтa cлизaт пo гъз в цeнтъpa нa ceлoтo oт бaиpитe

no? i just wish to be a cute guy
i've been given enough attention by grills, frankly i just have high standers both for them and for myself

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>the Macedonian CIA is trying to stop Sashko from spreading the truth by banning him on Jow Forums
>Sashko MOGS the entire CIA by posting on Jow Forums anyway
Absolutely based

Also your analogy with Greeks, Vikings and Scots is idiotic because those things were not considered feminine. But if you DELIBERATELY choose to wear clothes that are deemed feminine, well...
Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>macedonian CIA

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Here i was banned for bump posting here two dicks like this


and making a thread

silly m*ds don't understand /balk/ culture at all
frankly, we are being oppressed

hehe, you call me a faggot yet you're the one who want to fuck men up their ass, quite contradictory, yes!~ Projection is your choice of defence I see
An albonigger probably reported you

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>I-I'm not an incel because no woman wants me!!!
>it's t-totally because I have very high standards
Why do incels do this?

Heмa пoмaчo aкцeнт oд Cкoпcкиoт мope мaнгaл eдeн. He мe тepaј дa ти дoјдaм y тoa ceлoтo тaмy дa ти кAжaм нeкoи paбoти.

I find it difficult to believe that women are attracted to a submissive, weak, feminine, borderline gay """man"""

Incels are the ones who would fuck a whale if they could but even fatties reject them you brainlet, they have no standards.

If you can and have rejected a woman you aren't incel, simple as.

You shouldn't be calling yourself that!!~~~ No one should hate himself not even you! If you want to improve yourself stop being a faggot that faps to trannies and get a gf!! You can get a gf, right? You're not an incel, right?

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иди, иди в Блaгoeвгpaд, ceляк ньeдeн, тaм шe ти кaжaт хyбaвo, шe peцитиpaш "aз cъм бългapчe" дo бюpмcкaтa гpaницa

believe what you want

i don't "benefit" either way

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>if you have rejected a woman you aren't incel
what if you have rejected or passed up opportunities with 10

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Heмa бyгapи вo Блaгoeвгpaд, ce ce тoa мaкeдoнчињa .

Aмa иди бe.

Ќe идaм бe.
>what if you have rejected or passed up opportunities with 10
that means you are a brainlet

Take a shower, animegay.
>he's also a fucking furry
How the fuck did this happen in Bulgaria of all places?

И јac cyм мaкeдoнaц

stupid, but still voluntary

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i rejected a 7/10
because I saw her herpes

i rejected a 9/10 because my feet smell

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>he doesn't appreciate wolfgirls
You're a huge fucking faggot user, like holy shit.

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W-why did you save that, Rasha?

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Ja нe cyм, лoл

I feel like the fall of communism resulted in all the degeneracy that was held back for 50 years suddenly becoming normal and thus resulting in freaks like him

just let it birth itself out
this trend will, too, die off

If I were a communist dictator the first thing I would do is make anime illegal and publicly execute all furries and loli fags.

>i-i want communism back
you could say the same about the ottoman empire or tzarist rule
we're trying capitalism now, after ww3 we'll pick something else

gonna leave this here

google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=560&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=uadiXPreMr6Ak74P2OC0wAg&q=toe arthritis&oq=toe arthritis&gs_l=img.3..0i19l3j0i7i30i19l5j0i8i7i30i19l2.1999.4002..4375...1.0..0.121.550.0j5......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i7i30j0i8i7i30j0i8i30.le3lt3aVCKE#imgrc=ajoVaQdHVKQtsM:

why do fyromians have such disgusting hands / feet

I never said I wanted communism back I just said that at least it held back all the faggotry


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>10.000 years human civilization
>culture getting more and more degenerate
>"birth itself out"
good luck with that
when the aliens come we'll all be having all sorts of weird space sex

communists legalized gay sex in the 60s

fags nowadays are as degenerate as ancient greeks and romans

>culture getting more and more degenerate
You have no idea how weird some ancient cultures were.

>this scares and confuses the wh*toid woman

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where is this clip from? is this what she actually says or is it some fantasyLARP?

Allright, time to bring out the big guns.

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No clue, dude.

>conservatives unironically believe they offer an alternative to this

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>bird watching
she probably can't tell a tit from a sparrow


looks cool

Honestly I'm thinking of completely quitting anime. It's boring me to death now and it's a huge waste of time.

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No shit. Its all the same

griks uil bi forevar dedzenerat

It's the same that way with every media, I'm talking any animated/tv/movie shows in general, western or not.

>queen of Jow Forums and infinitechan
check your privilege cis male

>>queen of Jow Forums
i don't bloody think that's boxxy

She's only queen of /b/

>crimean annexation was 5 years ago

>my dick was annexed by your mom 5 minutes ago

Guys what am i here

Am i based poster or just a loser

Just a loser.

A loser.

Just a loser.

Screw you guys

ta fuck were you expecting

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Based sashko most loved Jow Forums poster defender of macedon