Hi guys I just destroy le Europe:DDDDDDD

hi guys I just destroy le Europe:DDDDDDD

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png (2000x1200, 2K)

Thank you Turk brother :-DDDDDD

It was like 70 years ago man, chill! Since then we brought nothing but prosperity.

Does "prosperity" means African or Muslim in German?

Ebin meme dude, have my ubvote :-DDDD

cheap labour through immigration is one way of furthering economic growths. I don't know what the religion of those gentleman has to do with anything, western countrys are mostly secular.

Japan is doing fine and they barely have migrants and the ones they do cause a lot of trouble already.

>Japan is doing fine
Aren't they literally dying out right now, because their overworked, affluent asses don't reproduce anymore?
>High stress levels
>high suicide rates
>gender segregated trains because the japs love to finger helpless schoolgirls
really depends on what you mean by doing fine. I think those issues won't go away just by getting rid of the few migrants they have.

The weak should die.

it's a shame how history goes for you folks, but you can't choose who ran things in the past, you only control the present! Germans are great folks!

Attached: roosevelt and the kaiser out horse riding.jpg (3196x2552, 2.47M)

Sure, but I would take a bet that suicide rates among native Japs are far higher than among migrants. The weak Japanese will soon all dangle in their forrests, and if they don't let some migrants in who atleast have a will to live, the island will be fucking emtpy.

Mieszkasz w biednej czy bogatej części Niemiec?

Sorry I don't speak car thief:-DDDDDDDDDDDDD
I only speak English and Arab

o no gerboneys back at it again xDDD :DD

Lol no.
It will even out.
Old people suck the life out of society so when young and middle aged people make up the majority again, society will change a lot

*buts le Arabic text from Gooble translade* :DDDDDDDD

Why is it that we German-turks are so much more funny than our cold and stuck up German bros?

Attached: 1549927902979.jpg (225x225, 12K)

and who are the young that will change society, are they well informed, wise, sound of mind?

lmao, you'll never belong here no matter how hard you try Ahmet


Turn off the proxy brazilian monkey

Really hope you didn't vote for erdogan.

Czyli w ogóle nie mieszkasz?

I didn't vote at all, mainly because I only possess the German citzienship which I used to vote for the FDP

Du kannst mich kreuzweise du Simbel

UGH UGH AAAA AAAA AA UGH sorry I don't speak monkey

Seems like you really were Pagliacci after all.

Because they share your culture du scheiß Kanacke

Germs know they can't relax when cockroaches are around

t. Türke

Good to know that the "Germans" calling us monkeys are not really Germans.
You're not German and you will never be.
That's like saying that an ethnic-Japanese person is European just because he was born in Europe.

Echte Männer lecken keine Schwänze du Reagenzglasgeburt

t. Huso

What? Sorry I don't speak monkey

Drachenlord bist dus????

Based and turkpilled



When does this need for economic growth end? This argument means you’re going to have to keep accepting mass immigration until Germany is unrecognisable and even after that. I don’t know why you just can’t be non-retarded and allow automation to take over labour like Japan is doing. Muh German engineering and all.

in loo

Sorry Macaco but I'm more German than you will ever be :^)

warum denkt jeder dass ich (op) schabe bin?

ja :)

Rationalize all you want monkey. Everyone calls you that. From the muslims to the richest and most educated of white people.

weil wir den Kümmel durch unsere Bildschirme durchriechen

(posted from my hurengwei)

Kanacken in Deutschland schämen sich nicht für ihre Herkunft, meistens sogar im Gegenteil
Ziemlich behindert von meinem post zu schließen ich sei einer ugezs

It is true, we German-turks are well integrated and get along just fine with our German bros, the "turks" who cause trouble here are often kurdish.

Attached: 1549928145052.png (680x680, 221K)

Redet schlecht über Deutschland = Kothaut

Die meisten meinen das bloß als Beleidigung.

Keep calling me monkey.
Let's see who will be called monkey once we're in white countries, Ahmed.
No, you're not. You'd be gassed if Germany was still a sane country.

Halts maul du HUSO sonst gibt es eine bombe in dein naziface

>trying to genocide the poor kurds again
most germans really can't tell the difference between turks and kurds.

Mein op post war offensichtlich ironisch du vollspast
Kein türke würde sich selbst als schabe bezeichnen
Nah boi

No macaco you are not german. You don't speak german, have no idea what germany is actually about, don't hang out with germans and most importantly, you are a monkey. Meanwhile I was born in germany, I study in germany, I will work and live the rest of my life in germany while you will be stuck in your favela shithole.

Attached: 31bs2etvKAL._SX355_.jpg (355x213, 5K)

Why is it that turks, no matter what country they live in, are ultra nationalistic and proud of wherever they're born?

Türken = basiert, freundlich, integriert, halten sich vom Abschaum der Gesellschaft fern
Kurden = unfreundlich, integrieren sich nicht, unterstützen die PKK SIND der Abschaum der Gesellschaft

Du hast dich bevor du die Frage gestellt hast noch nicht als Schabe bezeichnet. Was sollte der Post dann überhaupt? Witzig war er jedenfalls nicht.

German engineering is over rated

behaltet eure komischen Schabenrangeleien in der Türkei.
Keiner kann euch unterscheiden und niemand interessiert sich wem dein Opa einen geblasen hat

Halt die Fresse Drachenlord geh mal wieder deinen Schwanz an kleine Kinder im Discord posten du Pedoschwuchtel

Ich spreche nicht Tuerkisch, ich spreche Deutsch.

ösi hat halt recht

Hab ich da einen Nerv getroffen?
Du Ratte weißt, dass du nichts wert ist
Eure Messerstechereien wegen "Ehre" interessieren keinen Schwanz. Niemand heult einer toten Kakerlake hinterher. Untermenschen vielleicht, aber zu dieser Subspezies gehörst du halt auch

Mich interessieren Messerstechereien und "Ehre" aber auch nicht? Welchen Stereotyp gibt es noch denn du mir aufsetzen kannst du minderbemittelter Spast? Wie wäre es mit dem klassischen "einmal döner mit scharf" den hab ich lange nicht mehr gehört :^)

>german makes ironic self-deprecating post making fun of what people say about them
>good, funny thread
>turk in germany shows up
>germans start losing their shit and become exactly what they were making fun of initially
it only takes 1 turk to show the sad pagliacci behind the joke

Attached: 1549708311922.png (996x776, 282K)

is that frog a vampire?

it's the doctor

Mmmh, Döner...

Germans on Jow Forums are the biggest hypocrites there is, am I glad that these Jow Forumsnazishits have to hide behind the internet because they would ruin their entire life if they said the same shit they do here in public. At least normal germans are bros