Reminder that if you haven't bought a Rolex by the time you hit 30 years of age you have completely failed in your...

Reminder that if you haven't bought a Rolex by the time you hit 30 years of age you have completely failed in your career and should kill yourself.

Attached: rolmeme.jpg (1379x1200, 338K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>expensive timepiece
Kek my Casio will do just fine

My theory is that the bitcoin bubble of 2017 caused the shortage of Rolex steel sport watches and is driving up the price.

fucking plebs

Any cheap $0.50 made in China quartz watch is far more accurate than $6 digits USD rolex watch because of mechanical error.

>the virgin Rolex
>the Chad Omega

Why would you pay more for a lesser watch OP

Attached: Omega-Seamaster-Diver-300M-Baselworld-2018.jpg (2100x1400, 303K)

>Wasting money on a fucking watch
>Spending money just to allow people to know you have money

The mentality of future poor people

Nope. Campbell's law you fucking cocksucker
> "The more any quantitative social indicator is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt the social processes it is intended to monitor."

Goodhart's Law is better applied to Qualitative measures though:
>"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."

Casio is such an iconic and respected brand, rolex is for rich niga and boomer to show off to people who don't give a fuck.

What the fuck are you on about?

>m-muh shitter keeps better time than that rolex!
>that means it's better!

t. nigguh



also this
t. have in black

Since the only function of a watch is to display the time as accurately as possible, yes every quartz watch is better than a rolex.
If you buy a watch for any other purpose you do it only because of it's arbitrary value given by society as a status symbol.

Nice waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch!

>having to buy a rolex
>not being awarded/gifted one
top fucking poser

Bought my first rolex when I was 20 but Im a neet and not a drity wagecuck.

>Since the only function of a watch is to display the time
Stopped reading here.

Don't bother replying to me or my thread anymore, you've been blacklisted, I wont see any of your future posts.

by age 30 i had built a house, married and made 2 children. All without debt.
But oh no, i don't own a fucking watch.
I should kill myself.

He means to say that when everyone evaluates your status by looking at your watch, the fake watch industry explode or people stop buying other important shit just to buy a fucking watch.

Every one has a watch now so the measure for social status is worthless.

Yes, kill yourself.

Watches are for fags.

the super rich dont wear rolex, they wear timex or casio because everyone knows theyre rich and they dont have to prove shit, they just want a reliable watch that isnt a theft magnet.

Get out of here you normie scum

this desu.
Everytime I see someone with an expensive watch, my first thought is "this is fake" if I know that person can't afford it. The second thought is "who is this retard trying to impress?"

buying a rolex is like niggers emulating rich people by buying liabilities that they saw on rich people without understanding that those liabilities were bought with profit generated from assets.

Thats because you're a raging bitter insecure incel

Your post reveals a lot about you lol

woah, this guy gets LAID

i think for rich people watches can be like a store of value. you can sell it for almost as much or sometimes more then what you paid for it i think.

and unlike other stores of value, you can show it off and impress shallow people and women. you cant wear a gold bar around your neck.

>fake rolex owner detected


Dear OP, You are pathetic if you think a rolex is a real watch you ham fisted fucktard.

How do you know that person can't afford it. Even poor people could save a few K if they really want it.

And most people I know with expensive watched don't wear them to impress (except those rapper watches). They like the quality, tech, specs or story of the watch.

People who want to impress others do this through expensive cars, clothes etc. Branded shit that the normies roasties know is expensive . Not by wearing a limited produced swiss watch

Just picked up a nice Panjeet Patek

It's not my fault you've never seen a pussy and live in your parents basement!

not an incel and not insecure.
what now, Sherlock?

People in my family built million dollar businesses by not being retarded niggers and spending money on useless shit. From the outside you'd be unable to see the difference between us and regular folks. Do you have any idea how many retards I've met with flashy cars and expensive watches that were on the verge of losing everything because they had 0 assets and only liabilities?

If what I said hurt your feelings that only means you're the type of person that I'm talking about. Keep being nigger rich and see where that gets you.

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Did I fucking stutter? Didn't you hear that I told you to kill yourself?

dude you want a rolex. you have zero taste. go sip your Monster Energy can and tell yourself you'll finally get a gym membership "after the bbq tmmrw"

>How do you know that person can't afford it. Even poor people could save a few K if they really want it.

if you saved a few K to buy a Rolex, you can't afford it.

>>doesn't understand irony
>>buys watches on debt to look cool
>>most likely is a faggot

Rolex’s are what you buy your son for his 15th birthday. Grow up and buy a real watch

The AK47 of watches reigns supreme.

Attached: guns watches.png (5388x1620, 2.67M)

>t. poorfag

>idiot doesn't understand 0%

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you'd be surprised how many of these watches are NOT a store of value. Some are, many are not. Those that are a store of value are not affordable to the average normie.

The diamond industry has been trolling people for decades with "muh store of value" meme. Have you tried actually selling a diamond?

Exactly. This is what true pathetic Larping looks like. This moron caved to brainlet tier brand marketing and is actually upset that no one agrees with his shitty taste. At least he had a brief 15 second period where he felt cool in the imaginary world where he's rich, respected, and loved. I hope the high was worth it OP. I hope it was.

thats the dumbest post so far.

Attached: fuckoff.gif (282x257, 1.8M)

Stay bitter and petty. I know my life is FAR better than yours.

Yes and I’ve made money on everyone I’ve sold because I didn’t buy it New from mr. Shekelsberg. You can’t be mad if you pay retail price which is >3x markup wholesale price . Whatever the appraisal says is the sucker price you insure it for.

me have never once noticed someone wearing rolex or any "nice" watch

The finishing is every bit as good as Rolex, perhaps even better.

Also, it actually keeps time because it's quartz.

Attached: s-SBBN031_a_1200x.jpg?v=1527562375.jpg (1200x900, 78K)

Chink watch. You’re still falling for the same trap but with that everyone will know you can’t even afford a submariner.

Just look at this badass metal movement from the 80s that fills the entire case, has 7 jewels, and a brass movement ring.

Truly the epitome of rugged quartz development before the focus shifted to mass production.

Attached: YTUpGYml.jpg (640x480, 82K)

>You’re still falling for the same trap
And what trap is that?

The "nicely finished metal watches" trap?
Wristwatches can last many decades, metal is the only correct choice.

I have ~ 35 mechanical watches. I wouldn’t buy a clone of a watch that is based of branding and hype( I do have a sub but it’s not a great watch) It’s like buying a hublot. Absolutely stupid. You’re buying into a marketing wank. But this is a clone of a marketing wank

>he buys a watch instead of investing his money
How much of an insecure bitch do you have to be? If you're saying that you have 'enough' money, you probably didn't have that much in the first place.

At least I can sell a sub that I got for 2500 bucks for ~5000. That pos will never go up in value

Ain't nobody mistaking this for anything, buckaroo.

>I wouldn’t buy a clone of a watch that is based off hype
The Tuna was conceived at the request of professional saturation divers in the 70s, and its looks are 100% purpose-driven. It's what makes this such a divisive "love or hate" watch.

>I wouldn’t buy a clone of a watch that is based of branding
It's a fucking Seiko.

The Tuna is the true horology and dive watch enthusiast's secret handshake.

Attached: 09da6c84274c738e2f3f218822326638.jpg (480x360, 26K)

bought it back in december, profit from the bullrun

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rolex is just the luxury watch for beginners... people who have an understanding of real luxury watches would never buy this shit..
Patek philippe, vacheron constantine, Lange u. Söhne and others are way more classy... ask yourself why rolex never made an watch with a tourbillion clockwork and never will... fuck that rich nigger watch

if you're gonna buy a rolex. there's literally only one to buy for future value. you bought the wrong one.

I buy watches because it's what I want.
I don't count on becoming so poor suddenly that I'd have to sell my fucking watch.

And fuck getting an expensive heirloom, children turn into greedy blood-sucking adults real quick.

>everyone will know you can’t even afford a submariner
Until they see my house.

I'm happier with my Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Two-tone sports Rolexes are the only watches Rolex dealerships allow non-regular pleb customers to buy without a 5-year waiting list, lol.

you bought a new one too didn't you...

Got a 1984 pepsi to complement my 2017 deepsea D-Blue.

Trying so hard to buy a 2018 pepsi - can't get on the waiting list for blood or money (and i've already spent £15k+ with them).

You have shit taste in watches then. I don’t buy them to make money on them either but I’d rather not feel like I was ripped off by a fucking chink. I buy watches that have complications or are made by craftsman. Not for fucking fishermen and divers to imitate the look of a watch made 40 years prior.

the new gmt with jubilee bracelet is ugly as fuck

>this thread

Attached: 1527135653187.jpg (3264x2448, 1.37M)

Okay, this is an epic boomer-post.

all of your watches are actually shit compared to mine

Attached: file.png (671x903, 831K)

Dude wtf if I want to know the time I just check my phone. A watch is one of the very few accessories a man can wear. Im not saying watches are not status symbols, but aesthetics are important. So yeah, fuck off.

Nah. I don't drink the Rolex kool-aid.

Attached: rolex vs Grand Seiko.jpg (4345x1741, 1.14M)

>I buy watches that have complications or are made by craftsman.
Says the guy who owns a Submariner, lolmfao.

>Not for fucking fishermen and divers to imitate the look of a watch made 40 years prior.

what if you dont like watches??!!

Well do you still wear one?

gasseth thyself kike

Explorer 1 will be my next watch purchase

Attached: 39mm.jpg (1200x1028, 167K)

>reminder that if you havent bought an insanely overpriced arbitrary item for the sole purpose of flexing on kids and women by the time you're a boomer then you've completely failed in your career and should kill yourself

helo rolex sales rep, people here don't really have money, most got scammed by buying link and lost all their money.

It’s literally my cheapest watch. If you save up maybe you can one day buy a used a ressence type 5. In the mean time. Enjoy your seiko. I’m sure no one looks at it and thinks “nice Casio”

>Enjoy your seiko. I’m sure no one looks at it and thinks “nice Casio”
Any time a horological nitwit exposes his ignorance, their last-ditch argument is always something like "people will mock you for having a cheap watch".

boring, small and looks like you want to act like you are rich while you just bought one of the cheapest models of rolex

not worth it unless you want to gift to someone

Sorry I forgot. Thanks for reminder. Going to kill myself now. Bye and thank you for the feet

> wearing a watch in 2018
> not admitting is a status symbol

>Anonymous (ID: 7L5Ntg5/) 07/04/18(Wed)07:39:07 No.10143693 ▶
Count them seconds till you die on that metalic hunk of shit strapped to your wrist

When you actually learn about watches, the status symbol schtick peters away pretty quickly.

There is so much stupid here I can’t even respond. Enjoy your shit mall brand watch


To put it simply, if you buy an expensive watch as a status symbol, the only thing you're broadcasting to the world is you have money.
This is as vulgar as it gets, and only like-minded people will appreciate you for it.

When you buy a watch for its horological merit rather than its price, then you're broadcasting keen insight that will probably permeate throughout all of your endeavors. This makes the right kind of people trust and like you.

that watch looks so big on your tiny wrists. its like a little kid stole his dads watch. boggles my mind honestly how that thing doesnt snap everytime you try to hold open a door. can you even open jars on your own? why did you let it get this bad? have you tried working out or eating more or something. they make watches for women and children too, you may find a watch that fits there.

>spending thousands of dollars to impress negresses and 60+ y/o women

Literally just spend around $1k on stylish and high quality clothes to attract 20 y/o white girls (aka who everyone is trying to impress deep down)

Legit question, what's the draw to these watches when they look like overpriced Fossil watches? The designs are so childish

Attached: 1494740584812.gif (272x272, 3.81M)

Most of those are dive watches.

They have large lume dots and lumed hands so they're visible underwater, and a rotating bezel so you can time your dives (only turns one way so if you bump it, it only subtracts time, it never adds it).
And the cases are large and chunky because they're built to withstand great pressures.

>Its an ugly fucking watch made for retarded boomers to use as a status object. If you have any sense of morality you should remove your nigger brain from the world(aka kys) to not slow down the evolution of humanity

The draw is conspicuous consumption. Showing that you are rich enough to afford it.

It's not necessarily irrational: people treat the wealthy differently/better. But you idiots with a Rolex watch and an off-the-rack suit from JC Penney aren't fooling anyone.

The only function of a watch IS displaying time you f. Retard. I know that there is a lot of craftsmanship behind em but they still suck at doing what a watch needs to do. KEEP F. Track of time you mongaloid

>not buying a functional classic that will get you compliments from anyone who cares to notice it.

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He's talking about the aesthetics and design of dive watches.