Serious Question

Do you actually believe in the existence of a God/Gods?

I do. And it genuinely saddens me that there's so many people that don't think God exist.
How can you deal with stuff like this? How can life have a meaning without a God? What is the purpose of life then?
Not trying to offend anyone, sorry if I made it seem like that

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n-nothing *burp* matters, morty

It's gnosis at this point for me.
Are you agnostic?

I don't need to believe in a god to find meaning in life.

>How can you deal with stuff like this?
i cant
>How can life have a meaning without a God?
it doesnt
>What is the purpose of life then?

I'm not completely sure what does that mean
That's sad man, seems like you need help

>Do you actually believe in the existence of a God/Gods?
>I do. And it genuinely saddens me that there's so many people that don't think God exist.
>How can you deal with stuff like this? How can life have a meaning without a God? What is the purpose of life then?
>Not trying to offend anyone, sorry if I made it seem like that

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>That's sad man, seems like you need help
I fucked up bro back in elementary school everyone was an atheist and my parents were never really religious and I was an edgy kid and at my elementary school the leader of my friend group was into heavy metal so we made fun of God and said s*tan worshiping things as a joke of course because i didn't believe in either of them and then when I finally realized that atheism is a dead end it was too late and I was autistic and now I can only wait for death like Job.

If you are a Christian then, as far as I am aware, only if you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit then you have commited the eternal sin. Insulting God and claiming that you worship Satan as a joke is not blaspheme as far as I am aware + it wasn't exactly to the Holy Spirit

Believing there's a god and that he wants good things for me is a good CBT tool. The fact that he's the original cause of the everything as the solution to the infinite regression problem makes the idea of god powerful enough for its use.

We get punished even for idle words I am not pure at all based on what I have read I will definitely not make it to Heaven, No, based on what I have read almost no one will make it to Heaven. At least not without being punished first.
We will be judged for every idle word even. What does that mean? Every word that is not praising God?

I don't need to go to Heaven and I don't mind being punished for my sins as long as the punishment is not eternal. Surely even though I have been bad I do not deserve the same punishment as Satan himself???

I believe in God but I wish I didn't.

I believe in God but I wish He isn't real so hell isn't real

as long as you are truly regretful of your sins and swear to God you want to change and become a better person everything will be alright bud
here's a tip: pray, right before you sleep, trust me, it works

My God demands a lot of me that i'd rather not give/do.
I can't even commit suicide without going to murder-death Hell-place

Only believe in Spinozean God, but I acknowledge faith as very important for existential reasons.

What if I'm not truly regretful of all my sins only some of them?

And I have been praying right before I go to sleep for a few months. I also read a little bit of the Bible every sunday before I go to sleep. And it has helped, but I'm too messed up and I don't think I can be saved in time.

I get it bro.
And what's worse whenever I'm about to sin something happens that reminds me of God but I still do it.

>What if I'm not truly regretful of all my sins only some of them?
why are you not regretful of all your sins?

Are you Christian or Muslim?

I just don't see how I can be blamed for them
I was born in an atheist country among atheists where religious people (Christians) are considered retarded lunatics. As a child I had no way of knowing any better. For example I'm addicted to jacking off. I wish I could stop but I can't and I don't really feel bad about doing it. I don't feel bad after. I've managed to reduce the amount though.

>I do. And it genuinely saddens me that there's so many people that don't think God exist.
Exactly why? Not everyone who is atheistic or agnostic is sad with life, if people are happy without beliving in any god I don't think it should sadden you unless you want everyone to belive in your one true god, if that's the case I don't think you have a good attitude to different beliefs.
>How can you deal with stuff like this? How can life have a meaning without a God? What is the purpose of life then?
Seeing that you think we can't deal with life without a god, maybe you are agnostic and decide to believe to find a meaning?
For me, life has no meaning but it's not much of a problem, there are good things to life even if it's meaningless.
>Not trying to offend anyone, sorry if I made it seem like that
If you want to know more about what people think, it's alright and nobody should be offended for having their beliefs questioned or discussed, disagreement is part of life.