I don't understand credit cards

I don't understand credit cards

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it's a debt system, credit cards have spending limits and you have to pay some minimum amount per month, if you don't there is a heavy interest

short, simple and no beating around the bush

u r my favorite yankee of the day

They're good if you pay off your bill every month, they offer you protection and often some pretty good perks.
If you use credit cards to live beyond your means, racking up debt, you're an idiot

I didn't until I got one

It's ok user

Yeah but what's the point?

Evil device created by day joos to control us white folks

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there is also a point system based on your ability to be a good credit carder, but it's basically a pyramid scheme, however credit score help you to get a better loan for car or house or shit, getting a better deal than having cash

you just spend on them and then throw them away lol free money

only use it to appease the credit score jew, don't use it beyond your budget

for the score and some bs promotion like flight miles or cash back

i put all my bills on 1 card and just pay it off that month, avoiding interest and getting cash back in the form of Amazon bucks, instead of just using my debit card

for the love of god don't let them get interest payments off you

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Buying things you can't buy outside of your cash flow

It's the reverse of a debit card.

You get a debit card, you hook it up to your bank account and it's tied with whatever amount you have in your account. The money you spend comes from your bank account. If you drop to 0 you can't spend any more because there's no "charge" left.

A credit card is the reverse. You start with zero and you start spending making the balance negative (the amount you go into negative depends on your credit limit).
By the end of the billing cycle you're supposed to "pay back" so the virtual "amount" on your credit card returns to 0.
If you don't do it within the billing cycle you're obliged to pay back the amount + fee.

It's a jewish scheme way of getting you to spend money you don't have.

Let's assume you earn 1000€ per month.

By day 15 you have 500€ in your account but want to buy something worth 600€.

You know that by day 30 you will have 1000€ more but you won't have the money until that day

The credit card lets you buy it and you won't return it to the bank until the end of the month

This. I just use mine for food, booze, gas, and vidya.

there is no point. if you can afford a creditcard, you dont need one. if you need one you cant afford it. some people think that using creditcard saves them money, well nothing in life is free and creditcompanies makes money, so where do the money come from?

i just use it for my car insurance

Americans have a system which actively rates how much of a good goy they are for the financial debt enslavement system

Neither do I. It's not common here in this part of Sweden. People pay right away instead.

Vendors get charged a nominal fee and then a percentage as well for amex. Also, they make money datamining I'm sure.

>Let's assume you earn 1000€ per month.

>By day 15 you have 500€ in your account
That's not how wages work.

buy now, pay later

Day 1, earn 1000€. Money in bank: 500€
Day 15, you've spent 500€ already. Money in bank: 500€

Maybe I didn't explain good enough

I'm about to get a new card in the mail. It's kind of stupid of me, but I need cash for a few weeks until my new job starts, then I'll be good (barring any unexpected snafus).

Some people do get paid twice monthly.

>Day 1, earn 1000€. Money in bank: 500€
*Money in bank: 1000€

Why are you pretending americans are the only country where credit ratings are a thing.
They're just more obsessed with it.

For example I know for a fact that my credit ranking is that of a homeless bum.
I am employed (and I actually make good fucking money considering salaries in Poland) but I've only been employed on an open-ended job contract for 3 months and I've never purchased anything for someone else's money so for your average bank I literally don't exist.

almost the opposite here. if you apply for a loan and they see you have one or more credit cards you loose score. it all based on income and debt. 10 000 in unused credit is 10 000 in potential debt.

All countries have this. Your credit-worthiness is judged when you go to get a loan. It's just that the American one is regulated in such a way that you get a numerical score.

Start existing go-, uh friend. Credit is the lifeblood of a nation. If you want Poland to grow, first grow your score.

in the us, the more credit card you have, and if you are good with all the payments, your score will grow much faster

I think you're probably full of shit, but having cards alone isn't enough to give you good credit. What you want is good 'credit utilization', which means that you're using some of the credit available to you but not all of it.

I am vehemently against the idea of banks

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your "good goyim" score wont "save the nation".

but I know ur schlomo pulling the ol schill through anyways.

I got one for international payments.
Unfortunately it doesn't look like we'll be able to use crypto anytime soon

Shiftier than you kazimierz

He doesn't need to borrow to be more credit worthy. As long as he saves enough to invest, like through buying his own house or company stock, he has assets he can leverage against risk on future loans. Even if he never dealt with a bank before, by putting up something with somewhat strong market value as collateral on the table the bank will still see interest in lending to him - because they won't be guessing his value as a borrower from past history, they'll be guessing the value of the property that can be liquidated for them if the borrower turns out to be shit.

That said, it helps to take care of yourself, as you would do to get lower health insurance, if you aren't rich.

Spend money you don’t have on things you don’t need

I'm 23, work, and still don't have one. I think they're a fucking trap to get people into debt. I'll probably never be able to get a home or car loan because I don't have any credit history, but I don't give a fuck. Fuck credit cards.