This is actually a Dutch invention called "aardappelstokjes" or potato sticks

This is actually a Dutch invention called "aardappelstokjes" or potato sticks.

Attached: 1537909490454.png (800x800, 434K)

looks a lot like the walloon invention "frites"

Actually that's patatine fritte, the classic italian recipe

looks a lot like the french invention "frites"


Attached: french_pepe.png (800x770, 144K)

Wow this is going to change my life considerably. Thank you for this piece of information.

>ignorant fags
It's a traditional indigenous australian recipe

yes french but more specifically from the meuse valley somewhere between namur and liege

>earth apple
If your language call potatoes this, it's basically a language for the brain dead

>absolute state of nederlandse frietjes
Ici les frites, le batave

Attached: br.jpg (600x474, 335K)

>potato sticks
you and i both full well know that means
>earth apple sticks
keep your poisonous earth apples to yourself

go suck a dick, freedom fry



If i remember correctly the french also call them pomme de terre(?)

wrong its a british food item called "chips"

in russian it is kartofel
germans stole that word from russian

no the chips are crisps

Nobody care about sweden or swedish

Shut up Neither Deutscher!

Yeah. Hilariously dumb.

I've read enough Dutch and German to discard them from my mind for all eternity.

Het zijn slaptjips.

shut up kryptojude

we call them pommes frites

u mad, bro?

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