Next Idex 10x, BUY!

Huge volume on idex

Market cap 15m

Still under ico price


Big exchange coming in the next few days, get in while you can

Attached: cardstack-696x449.jpg (696x449, 35K)

>Big exchange coming in the next few days, get in while you can


yeah i picked up a bag big of these under ico price. feeling comfy waiting for the binance listing

deluded bagholder, -88% on day 1 of trading roflmao.

what was ico price?

1 eth batch b = 50 212
1 eth batch c = 37 141
Batch A continued over several weeks. Rate was determined at the time of arrival of funds.

they already have main net?

i was gonna buy in at ico but missed out on kyc. this seems like a good buy right now in my opinion. solid project

yep main net released and functioning

Whats the circulating supply?

so no baseless speculation
so no mindless pump


The devs are in china right now meeting with partners. Binance listing incoming.

I have a feeling this coin will be listed on binance too. One of the moderators revealed information about a chinese exchange listing but then they deleted their post. So they must be still making the deal

>sanity bag holder detected

Absolute kek.

yep they did an ama with chinese customers. this ico has a huge chinese investor population

just remember i tried to warn you

hmm looks decent. might chuck an eth or two and see what happens

what proof is there its going on binance?

Yeah the massive SELL orders really make this look inviting...

What did he mean by this?

you're gonna be greasy as fuck when this gets listed on binance in the following weeks. this is the next quarkchain/iotex

10x incoming

its remaining an erc20 token forever. main net is out

in the rash it goes

next quarkchain/iotex is unironically formosa fmf

DYOR it wouldnt make sense for this product to not be an erc20 token. It has a working product and fulfils a need that isnt fulfilled. dont invest if you hate money

>It has a working product and fulfils a need that isnt fulfilled.
Another (useless) utility token that will be completely forgotten after a few months.

did you even do any research into the project before you tried to critique it dumby?

its not a block chain. its a bridging tool for cross chain intergration

dont invest

not buying your bags pajeet

All good, You can buy them off me on binance next week

the working product part makes this tempting

holding 7m cardstack. dont know if binance is incoming, but huobi and okex for sure are.
proitp: go to cardstack's partnerships and check what's up