Muh yuropoors can't own gu-

>muh yuropoors can't own gu-
What now faggot americans? I picked this up yesterday, jelly?

Attached: 2019-02-12_19-55-27.jpg (720x540, 44K)

Hahaha look at that concrete floor

Imagine how poor you have to be to have a concrete floor like that in your house

Nice try, but this picture was clearly taken by an American.

Dios mio... the nails I-I

You should have spent that money to treat your leprosy instead

they have guns yet they are the most cucked people in the world, good work

>British flag

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in america she would get shot and her kids would be mixed race kids who go into adoption where they get raped by fags

el gaulo...

They gave him a gun?!

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