Edition of long live British empire
Other urls found in this thread:
if you love brit you'll love norgetråden its full of bants and directions on how to immigrate to norway and get neetbux
these karen r34s are amazing
>tfw my abandoned thread is recycled as a new thread
Did I tell you that although I’ve had a vasectomy, I am still able to produce more than my share of ejaculate.
>anime nonce
>sex tourist
>requesting CP
Yeah I think OP needs to get jannhammered
wonder if there is rule 34 of kreia from knights of the old republic 2
can you please come to our general and help in the war against sutreanon
this explains the situation but to recap
>The Norwegian general is currently being beseiged by an insane paranoid schizo Norwegian who we have dubbed "Sutreanon". Sutreanon will stop at nothing, literally nothing, to crash /norgetråden/ into the ground and eventually get it permabanned due to breaking too many board rules.
pls help
obviously. did you think seminal fluid is made and stored in the testicles?
what's CP?
ahhhhh yes waking up three hours before my alarm. just fabulous
Just wanted to show all JFs ITT something that will be of great use to them
yes i did think that
Why did you get a vasectomy
are you aware of what a prostate is
how fucking new are you
just 2 years old desu...
>found to of sent
the people who wrote this are responsible for protecting you from crime btw
its the love button daddy likes to press
Yeah you tell em lad
interesting piece. will you be submitting this to moma
looks like its missing something
*sticks my willy in the knob hole*
There we are, now we wait
who talks like that lmao
autistic robot
No that's a thirdparty website mate made by civilians
I dont want your handouts you damn kike
yeah well uk police are still incompetent wankers
they call it! virgin luuuuuuuuuuuuuuvv
makes you think really
kill yourself tonight
This is fake
Cute op
what's the bad point? I think it's not so awkward nor troublesome.
I mentioned this to the fiancée a while ago after Thailad brought it up here and the other day she fucking said it to an English/Indian couple we know lmao
Missus said she's ready to explode about something she's cranky about so I've gotta wait for her to finish venting before I can get on with me night
is it really fake?
have a day off tismo
if it's not raining and you have your hood up then I don't trust you, simple as
Nah it's real quick Google will give you lots of related articles
Fuck up gimpy nigger virgin french freakish cunt
lads, go check your zodiac sign and tell me if it's accurate
mine is extremely accurate and i've compared it to a lot of people i know/famous figures and it's all so freaky
bone marrow matches are already quite difficult
In my experience groups of white scrotes are worse than black scrotes
my gf said I should to after she had a caesarean
yeah mine's accurate
>tfw universal donor blood type
Brits btfo
most interesting serial killer?
no u
that's why the future of the England sucks in contrast to the cuteness of the OP.
You and the jocks want a war? We’d fucking slaughter you Weasley ginger cunts
yeah whats my sign?
french niggerpedo is here
t. cuck stamp flag
this imposter is still replying to me
will he ever fuck off?
Wouldnt mind either scottish independence nor irish reunification.
Has 0 bearing on my life.
it's crazy how much superior england has been throughout history
they're all suffering from this strange inferiority complex
support for Irish unification is paltry lmao
Tell me something, boy
Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?
Why do the Scots have such a victim complex? They unironically think they're oppressed by the English and they played no role in the British Empire. It's fucking infuriating.
More prosperous than you lot
Seems we chose our allegiances more carefully
t. part Irish
glad to be a party to this awkwardness
do you want to get fucking nuked
either or and neither nor not either nor you fucking weapon
eating porridge
whats my sign?
What is this treason, Japanon?
btw irish lad I'm just being cheeky, hope you're havin a good one mate
while you studied the blade i studed chaos magik
caution wet floor
whats my sign, charlie?
Anyone here really felt the effects of the Brexit vote? Or has your life just gone on as normal?
trolled the shit out of the faggots in SvT yesterday by dressing up like a girl and pretending I'm gay
Lads give me ideas for somewhere in the North West worth visiting. I have a car, a bit of of money and a few days off.
this imposter retard is still replying to me
I just wanted to post this ()
and to see their responses.
Comme ton état est agriculturel, ce n'est pas indifférent pour toi.
Do you like it cold?
t. race traitor
having my stag do in the UK instead of abroad since it's after March, that's literally it
>dont have a mixed race kid in case leukemia
>dont drive a car in case you crash
>dont run in case you slip
gona eat a pizza now haha
Charlie...what’s my sign?
difference is there are actually advantages to driving and running
Grocery bill gone up
not him, but my point still stands
Just wait until the Guardian find out that British Embassies pay British staff more than local staff, and that British companies abroad pay their expat staff more than they pay their local staff.
Life has gone on as normal. The only difference has been the endless Brexit talk over the last 3 years. As far as im aware nothing else has changed.