My tribe good

my tribe good
other tribe bad

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Have you ever been to a first world country? Compare them to yours.

Belarus good
Ukraine bad

we are all humans

>we are all humans
you do realise Jow Forums is largely misanthropic?

That's debatable.

This is true. All other tribes must be beheaded.

Jow Forums is not a person

>Jow Forums is not a person
no you dumb nigger-faggot it's a demographic and I did say "largely"

we are all humans living on planet earth
tibalistic nationalism is a thing of the past.

your tribe are your close relatives, like mum and dad, other families bad

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globalism is inevitable

Rude. :(

maybe our concept of family will also be outadet a couple of centuries from now.

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>imagine if every place in the world was like Brazil

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Yes you will be dead by then as a disgrace to your tribe.

99.99% of Jow Forums

no retard.
it will be more like london

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which means nothing

I disagree

mum and dad don't matter
you, your wife and your kids matter
but most of all you

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