What do people in your country think about Russians?

What do people in your country think about Russians?

Attached: 123456.jpg (900x600, 276K)

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French people like Russia a lot

a mix of russified finns and russified swarthoid niggers

What about Russians?

Attached: Putin hacking US elections.jpg (678x382, 52K)

My parents speak Russian fluently and grew up there, they didn't teach me a word of Russian to keep me away from other Russians living here. So I would say, rather negative image.

but i like the music + clothing but hate the muh traditionalism (despite abortion/drugs etc), muh badass putin. While you produce nothing of value; no economy etc.

Bad people who stole Karjala
give it back

Interesting, keep it going

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>i like the music
whos your favorite composer and what's his best piece in your opinion?

>+ clothing
unexpected, can you elaborate?

>whos your favorite composer

>what's his best piece in your opinion?
Rozovoe vino

They can't drive. Cars with russian plates are often parked like shit

t. Ivan

t. Ivan

Anti-burger BVLLS. Also, our main arms dealer.

This kind of stuff but also Tchaikovsky and a few others.

Attached: Ruskies.jpg (1300x1219, 359K)

Polish boomers don't like you. Polish zoomers like you. The future of polish-russian relations look bright

A kid who I used to go to school with had a cringy shirt that said "my family lives in Missouri, but my roots lie in Russia". It had the Missouri flag and the Russian flag both on the shirt.

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Clothes stolen from Finns

Probably overall positiv esecially compared to 2014


They're alright, a shame we will fight them in the upcoming World War

Pekka, please... why you gotta be like that :(

We have hundreds of different national clothes, some might look simillar to yours, because there are literal Finns living in Russia

Because those are not really Russian clothes
Real look like this

Attached: 162459.jpg (750x500, 151K)

>Polish boomers don't like you. Polish zoomers like you
Why is it like that?

I mean, i somewhat understand boomers, but how did it happen that your zoomers like Russia now? Weird, especially in today's media climate.

Russians are heavily associated with the poisonings they carried out. Also considered to be insanely corrupt (oligarchs buying up lots of property in Longdong) My personal experience has been that they are actually pretty great people, although the women can be a little intense (art hoes on steroids)

Fuck you, fuck you and leave us alone.

They're cringe

The right and far left always liked you
People that dont care about politics used to dislike you but are pretty ok with you nowadays
Turks hate you
Kurds dont

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Polish zoomers don't give two shits about media. They are all about them memes. And boi do you have the memes

Attached: AnimeGirlsInEasternEurope15.jpg (1600x1000, 622K)

A stable political system

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How did he turn from a central russia slav into a full blown Finn in a span of 18 years?

Because he is your kin

Attached: Putin is not Russian.png (603x825, 402K)


Someone needs to study Putin's family tree and see if his ancestors lived in the Karelian villages in Tver
A Russian user a few years back posted a conspiracy theory that Putin's family still spoke Finnish Karelian in the late 19th century because there was a Finnish peasant girl from Tavastia listed as a godmother in their church records

Attached: tver.jpg (845x634, 243K)

Do Russians really do this?

Look at all this stability holy shit

Attached: Capture.png (650x316, 52K)

1)In Russia it is illegal for a police officer to take your passport for no reason, he can ask you to show it but he cannot take it away.
2)Dude paid for a day in this hostel and was rudely told to leave 8 hours early
3)In the end police and administration accepted their fault and allowed him to continue his stay in the hostel
>all these commentaries by mad Koreans
Shame. I thought better of your people.

Darya Klishina from Tver for sure got a hint of Karelian to her.

She looks like second girl from the right on OP's pic