Why doesn't Germany make great films anymore?

Why doesn't Germany make great films anymore?

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But they still make great films is "some genres".

Cucked to death

You have to have pride in your culture to create great art.

Their films were always shit.

I love german reich gangsta rap


Ali: Fear Eats the Soul is playing at the local live theatre and whenever I pass the advertisement, I think back to my student days when I used to watch movies by its author and automatically go 'man, that guy was a baller'

Has your country ever made a film?

Best silent film i've seen

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Because all modern german movies are the same
Mostly romantic comedies which only consist of cliches


does anyone make good movies anymore?


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We do.

Unironically Bollywood films are fun to watch

and with good morals

other than India (your films are amazing)


Written and directed by an Australian.

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Such as?

At first they ostracized Jewish film makers...Fritz Lang for example migrated to France. Then "Nazi" film makers. Riefenstahl was one of the greatest film making talents of the last century and didn't really find work after the war even though she wasn't in the party.

This left a cultural vacuum imo and modern German taste doesn't really call for good films anymore, you get occasional good ones but nothing of the golden age sort.

I especially lament the death of the early heimat/mountain film, in the 20's/30's they toyed with philosophical and occult ideas in them and did most of the stunts themselves and those props were so fucking impressive, how long they spent on the ice palace in "Der Heilige Berg" for example. And what did we get after the war, soppy ass Kaiserin Sissi and similar alpine Kitsch for braindead housewives.

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are you serious?

Golden Experience



Bump sound interesting I would love to find good movies forgotten by time and generations