2018 Fertility statistics just came out

2018 Fertility statistics just came out

Thoughts on the future of Planet Earth?

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the time of the cringe social liberal is over. the time of the based social conservative is now

give the source and 2017's numbers otherwise i don't care

What is that yellow blob near pakistan supposed to be

cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2127rank.html 2017

cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/356.html 2018

And I just noticed a small error in my map.
Chad is supposed to be red.

Attached: cd5eec80a6dad23e46d3996fc613834e.png (1296x383, 59K)

Bihar and Uttar Pradesh

Bihar and uttar pradesh aren't in that place.

Attached: file.png (1293x1199, 251K)


This is outdated.
For Hindu Nationalists the BNP are surprisingly efficient at making fertility rates fall.

2016's numbers are here:


Source: Indian Census

Really makes you not think.

Attached: 1408624676156_wps_5_World_IQ_graph_jpg.jpg (634x414, 43K)


>Bengal 1.64
Thank goodness. Can't wait for those commie bastards to disappear.

Fill Bengal with viraat Biharis and let them bash Bangladeshi illegals.

Bihar and uttar pradesh aren't in the correct place in your map though.

Attached: 1535027552312.jpg (615x441, 115K)

I did it in Microsoft paint.
I apologise Raj I didn't think I'd be scrutinised to this degree.

the iq in africa is rising and the world iq will be 10-15 higher by 2100

Wow, you also live in canada!
Do you want us to touch eachothers?

the study (that you didnt read, as a poltard) put several causes (immigration being possibly one of them) and similar studies show that the negative flynn effect (iq slightly falling) in countries with zero non white immigration like finland is also falling. The finland study also clearly state that immigration has nothing to do with it.

>defends sub-Saharans for free on the internet
>French flag
every time

Attached: 1536198947485.jpg (715x960, 219K)

>zero migration

What I'm a CSIS agent?

You're delusional.

>The heritability of IQ for adults is between 57% and 73%[6] with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[7] and 86%.[8] Genome-wide association studies have identified inherited genome sequence differences that account for 20% of the 50% of the genetic variation that contributes to heritability.[9] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood. This phenomenon is known as the Wilson Effect.[10] Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores;[11] however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects.[12][13]

Virtually zero non white immigration. I mean the study explicitely says that the IQ of whites in Finland and other countries is falling.

>deny scientific evidence
>ad hominem and name calling
>the poltard leaf

every time

Attached: future-FLynn-effect-to-2100-300x239.png (300x239, 67K)

Non-western immigrants are less than 1-2% of the population, please tell me more about how they're bringing down the average IQ

What does this wikipedia page and paragraph have to do with any claim I made?

>glownigger links
Next time.

>>deny scientific evidence

>The heritability of IQ for adults is between 57% and 73%[6] with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[7] and 86%.[8] Genome-wide association studies have identified inherited genome sequence differences that account for 20% of the 50% of the genetic variation that contributes to heritability.[9] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood. This phenomenon is known as the Wilson Effect.[10] Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores;[11] however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects.[12][13]

The upper bound for Sub-Saharan IQ is probably 85 (relative to American raw scores), because blacks in the US do not suffer from malnutrition (in fact they have the highest obesity rates).

Attached: 2012_projection.jpg (1000x690, 79K)

I mean the study is pretty clear:


This is unlikely to have been a factor in Finland because
there were few non-European immigrants in Finland during
the years 1997–2009. In 2012, 4.8% of the Finnish population
were immigrants or had at least one immigrant parent
(Statistics Finland, 2012) and the great majority of these
were Russians and Estonians, whose average IQ is the
approximately same as that of the Finns at around 100
(Lynn & Vanhanen, 2012). Those of non-European, including
American, origin made up just 1.8% of the Finnish population
in 2012 (Statistics Finland, 2012). Thus, the decline of IQs in
Finland cannot be attributed to the arrival of significant
numbers of immigrants who may have had lower average IQs
than the indigenous population. The most probable reason
for the declines in IQs that have now been recorded
in a number of countries is the presence of dysgenic fertility,
i.e. the negative association between intelligence and numbers of children that has been reported in Sweden (Nystrom,
Bygren, & Vining, 1991), Denmark (Nyborg, 2012), Finland
(Dutton, 2012) and a number of other countries reviewed in
Lynn (2011)

I agree with you.

>The most probable reason
>for the declines in IQs that have now been recorded
>in a number of countries is the presence of dysgenic fertility,
>i.e. the negative association between intelligence and numbers of children that has been reported in Sweden

>i.e., there is a correlation between having a large number of children and being from Africa

This paragraph have nothing to do with what I'm claiming, again.

>The upper bound for Sub-Saharan IQ is probably 85 (relative to American raw scores
No, that's your own personal made up claim, the african american IQ is still rising and getting over 85. Also a 85 today is equal to 110 a century ago.

you can be obese and malnourished if you have a poor quality diet


There are many, many factors, pic related.

Attached: Flynn-effect-expert-opinion1Large.png (1667x731, 168K)

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You care as if you were bordering those countries lol

Yeah I want to suck a secret agent's big toe, while he play with my dingaling!
Cum on my ball james bond

>there is no upper bound on IQ determined by genetics
You're delusional.

Sure but American blacks have access to an abundance of macronutrients like protein, calcium, fat, etc. whose lack would be the most deleterious to brain development.

Sucemoi, grotonydallegerie!

There are many, many factors that affect height, but your offspring will never be taller than a giraffe. Genes determine the upper bound.

Cum on me!

is Goa comfy or not?

What's the best way to test IQ and what's the least painful way to kill yourself as a low iq subhuman?

do you see a lot of immigrants from the Sahel in Algeria?

>Ryan Faulk on vacation in Canada

It isn't

Literally all the homo sapiens have an upper bound IQ determined by genetic, IQ can't reach 300, 500 or 8000. Nice tautology, dude.

Please prove your claims by any scientific study if you're implying that there is a racial upper bound.

Your first lie (black being limited to 85 for genetic reasons and using african americans as exemple) was disproved by scientific studies: jstor.org/stable/40064475?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

[citation needed]

Don't worry earth itself will take care of them, remember that climate change is white man's best ally.

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Since 2011 (the date they dont go to Libya anymore) absolutely everywhere even in my small city of 5000 peoples, they ask for money or work in construction sites
but they are not bad

You're an idiot.

>What's the best way to test IQ
In an Indian restaurant
>and what's the least painful way to kill yourself as a low iq subhuman?

Treehuggers BTFO

are they 100% male?

cope harder nigger, even the jew elite hates you

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>Please prove your claims by any scientific study if you're implying that there is a racial upper bound.
You're proposing an absurd claim that geographically isolated populations that are genetically distinct and distant do not have different distributions of genes that affect intelligence.

Attached: global-genetic-distances-map.jpg (3741x3887, 939K)

We need to install feminism in Africa so their women will be too busy with their careers to have kids.

Could be worse
We're fucked

The males with their females and their 6 children

Atlantic ocean will protect you

Nice projection. You're the one with teh absurd non scientific pseudo racialists claims, I only sticks to scientific studies.

Angola is weird because they were having around 5 and then it just shot up.

Niger's always been fucking terrible.
They were having 7 not long back.

Don't the locals care?
It's a safety hazard.
Niger currently has Boko Haram within it.

Monrêve c'ést de touche le visage d'un bel algérien avec mon zizi.

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cuckold, get out of my country, stop hurting it

>height, skin colour, bone structure, rates of genetically affected diseases like sickle cell anemia differ among races due to distribution of genes
>IQ is off limits because it hurts people's feelings

You're delusional. I already gave you the evidence. IQ is largely hereditary, we have found some of the specific genes and different populations have different distributions of genes that affect IQ.

Nice strawman. I posted a pic including genetic as a factor.
never denied that genetic had a part in this, that's why white iq is lower than asian one despite better environment.

>I already gave you the evidence
You didn't, you made several stupid claims I disporved and you invented me several claims from your head.
>IQ is largely hereditary
Cool, and the average iq of the parents is rising.
>we have found some of the specific genes and different populations have different distributions of genes that affect IQ
cool, those genes were there when the average white iq was 70 a century ago.

I saw something from the UN once where Nigeria's fertility rate projection decreased by about 0.04 but it meant something like 100 million people that would have existed in the next century just disappeared.

Acting how has big effects later.

Living in France gave me hope that blacks can be civilized, nafris however..

there is a wealth of scientific evidence that behavior and intelligence are hereditary

that was the life's work of Dr. Richard Hernstein

>there is a wealth of scientific evidence that behavior and intelligence are hereditary
yes, partially hereditary, so? I know this ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4270739/
The hereditary model is really complex btw, there are new theories every year.

>Richard Hernstein
please stop with the 19th scientist.

they dont care because they have never caused any trouble until now and as I said before they accept to work for 60% what a local would accept
And if they reach a certain number they are sent by bus to border with Niger and after it's the problem of this country because they entered here by it's border


100 iq is actually defined as the average ,so, technically, the world mean iq cannot fall below it, dumb racist :^)

norwegian iq was around 60 in 1900 ad with todays's standards

>it's a "thread full of shitskin retards delusionally arguing that a continent that couldn't manage to invent a writing system or the wheel before small European expeditionary forces arrived and easily took the entire place by force is actually on par with Europeans, people who sent men to space and back and a bomb weapon capable of annhilating cities in one blow" episode

Standardized tests are biased, grades are biased, criminal records are biased, iQ tests are biased, reality is biased

yes yes good goy just ignore all available evidence that would indicate Africans are dumb as fuck across the board and let them take up the mantle of humanity on sheer faith alone. A winning proposition

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i'm not donating to these countries

we're overdue for some kind of global pandemic that will off billions of us retards so whatever

but Mr Lofven will just take a third of your income and give it to them on your behalf

Pretty ironic that you says that, considering you're using an alphabet invented by "shitskins" and that "shitskins"' invented the wheel before white people.

I would say stop giving niggers aid but then they'll just go to europe

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Bullshit. The part where you claim Greeks/Romans/Phoenicians have anything to do with sub-Saharan Africans, just fuck off monkey.

Semitic middle eastern aren't shitskins? I thought they were sandniggers?

>to invent a writing system
Writing systems only emerged independently maybe 4 times throughout history, once in the levant, once in egypt, once in china and once in mesoamerica and we are not sure whether the egyptian and chinese writing systems were even 100% developed independently.
Writing systems only emerged in booming agricultural societies to help as an aid in accounting. There is no incentive for hunter gatherers to write anything down. The (sub)saharan african climate, with year round dry seasons was not very conducive to agriculture and crops that do grow in temperate climates of asia, the levant and europe don't fare so well in africa, hence agricultue spread from temperate zone to temperate zone, but not to africa.

also: IQ is not 100 % genetic. There are obvious limiting factors like food shortages (which they have a lot of in africa) and lack of education.

>or the wheel

mother nature always do everything to keep the world stable

the human population will decreases naturally

I'm primarily concerned with sub saharans who offer literally nothing of note whatsoever and are having 6 kids apiece. I'm aware that mediterranean people are another group.

>the human population will decreases naturally

>mother nature always do everything to keep the world stable

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Here he is. The guy with endless excuses and unverifiable claims. Love it. Listen to him at your own peril, honestly if humanity lets this happen and productive/prosperous nations get overrun we fucking deserve it. Everyone will suffer in the end. We will contest basic observations and facts just to feel a little better inside.

>The guy with endless excuses and unverifiable claims
My post literally reflects contemporary anthropologic consensus which is supported by evidence.
If anyone has a shody theory it's you: how does you IQ theory hold up when looking at the stagnations in medieval europe? If it's all up to genetics then those countries should have thrived anyways thanks to their high IQ. Why were sub saharan african kingdoms like mali some of the the richest states around in the 13th century? Obviously, whether a country thrives or not is not up to a single factor like average IQ, but to a whole range of factors, like geography, available flora and fauna, governing, ease of trade etc.
Is it really that hard for you to imagine that getting a civilization going is much easier in a temperate climate with lush forests and easily navigable rivers like europe than in africa with its deserts and rainforest?

Pretend that academia hasn't been completely usurped by dogmatic, backwards ideologues who will deny race science on its face and try to cover up that such study ever existed, all you want.

You conflate wealth with "thriving", Mali happened upon a pot of gold and sat on it, did all of exactly jack shit with the resources. Africa itself is resource rich and that was evidenced by the European gold rush for its riches, and yet when they got to Africa it was full of primitives and loosely organized tribes and nations that couldn't even repel Europe's boy scout divisions from conquering and annexing their land and resources.

Africa had the benefit of more time. Africa had the benefit of not having to deal with humanity's worst enemy at that point: 4 months of unlivable cold in winter. Africa had plenty of coastline, Africa had a ton of land.

As I said, excuses. You're going to nitpick every fine detail and act like it's an irrefutable wrench in the argument rather than tackle reality on its face and account for the fact that the majority of sub saharan nations have average IQs at a quite literal retard level of comprehension and STILL can't manage 1st world society where plenty of former Asian and Latin colonies have jumped ahead with ease.

>implying Africans will have enough food
what an utter farce

>Africa itself is resource rich
how would mineral resources translate into wealth if there was no basis for agriculture? What is a bush nigger to with fucking quartz if he's busy starving. What is gold worth if all your neighbors are self sufficient hunter gatherers who don't have a need for trade?

>humanity's worst enemy at that point: 4 months of unlivable cold in winter
That is literally what made certain mediteranean plants so suited to human agriculture and what attracted people to agriculture. They had to grow up and reproduce in the time span of 8 months and people had to feed themselves during those 4 months which was a good incentive to become sedementary farmers rather than hunter gatherers. African climates offered the same temperature year round and hence there is no "growing season"

>>nitpick every fine detail
Agriculure is not a mere fine detail. It's not a footnote in the story of human history but rather chapter two untill twelve. The agricultural revolution led to human civilization as we know it. Plant domestication didn't take any skill or insight, just luck. No one sat around and thought "today I'm going to domesticate barley", it's a slow proces, the fact that some climates were more suitable to agriculture got the ball rolling for them.


>STILL can't manage 1st world society where plenty of former Asian and Latin colonies have jumped ahead with ease.

this is another story that has to do with the way those colonies were governed. I can spell it out for you though there is no point because you won't listen anyways. Anyways: african colonies were resource rich rather than agriculturally rich and hence the colonial governments were built to be as extractive as possible. During decolonisation (which happened much later for africa than for the rest of the world) Their entire economies were built on those extractive institutions so for the leaders of the country (who were often dictators) kept them in place because they were extremely beneficial to the rulers. Notable exceptions are Namibia and Zimbabwe, who are doing better than all of africa.

All scientific evidence points to the fact that prosperity leads to higher IQs and not the other way around. I can't fathom how you can think that something as complex as human society is all based on one factor. The question of why certain nations prosper and others don't has been an economic dilemma since the renaissance ands it's naive to think you've got the answer and that it's all rooted in biology.

Obviously you don't seem very keen on reading or learning, but put these on your reading list: "guns germs and steel" and "why nations fail"

Prove that Southern Indian are more advanced?

Nuke Africa!