Scandis love and look up to Germany

>Scandis love and look up to Germany
>Germans hate and look down upon Scandinavia

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hold me bros

we don't.
in fact, most Germans probably look up to you for somehow managing to be even more cucked than us
we wish to have hand grenade attacks here too someday

technically, whenever a swede turns south, he's looking down on all germans no?

>Scandis love and look up to Germany
Since when? I think that was more a 1920-1950 thing back then when we used to imitate their every move

My experience is that Swedes have a very good reputation in Germany

We don't look down on Scandinavia.
Rather only on Sweden.
Dankmark and Norway are based and so is Iceland.

Iceland is not based at all, just smol and innocent

It's the other way around, Sven

I dont think people have strong feelings one way or the other. we dont hear much about you guys on the news