Are Europeans (non-UK btw) a force for good in a world dominated be evil?

Are Europeans (non-UK btw) a force for good in a world dominated be evil?

Think about it:
>USA (and UK)
all evil

then you have

all forces for good or at least they try to take the middle approach between the west and east. Discuss

Attached: europe-star.png (519x342, 4K)

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We've never wronged anyone. Everything that we did, we did for the greater good.

1938 you assholes. Also Napoleon.

oh Im sorry I should have clarified. I mean in the current year, if you go back to before 1950 americans were the good guys and europeans were imperialist devils -

- Anglos have pretty much always been evil

>g O 0 D
>e V i L

Attached: 1540840870848.jpg (971x565, 87K)

>moral relativism

someone was just introduced to Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. good luck with that

>current year
In the current year both of those countries are cucked by the US. But German are trying to censor Facebook and Frenchies have a president not afraid to shoot people protesting against him.

Of course.

Naturally, the EU is the only moral superpower around currently

why do you even listen to those heretic protestant devil preachers? Thomas Aquinas was the last good philosopher europe had

All USA puppet states.

You’re acting like it isn’t a valid point. Even today we different countries have different concepts of good and evil, let alone 100 years ago. Why is my concept of good and evil better than yours? Or vice versa? All countries have done shitty things, but how have they made up for it by contributing to humanity is the real question.

we aren't europeans

We're still the good guys, you can't compare what we've done in the middle east to what Europeans have done for centuries. We tamed Euros and have made them play nice since 1945

also the middle east approach of the european nations is to follow what the USA does and in the case of france to throw into civil war states that aren't amicable enough with their government

BASED Jordan!

If the USA is evil then its puppet states are aswell.

Im not familiar with his writings. can you recommend me a good book of his? thank you.

I do not pretend to have the answers but the way I've come to see it, it all depends on the root of the action. For example, a company overextending, polluting does so based on greed - which is a primal "sin", so is stealing and murdering.

Killing a child rapist is done based on protecting the children so it becomes necessary etc..

Marcus Aurelius and the ancient Roman philosophers would refer to this as "nature"

Every country in the world is a USA puppet state in one way or the other

They're an extension of USA and NATO. Pre WW2 they were the policemen of the world till they crushed eachother into being subservient to the burgers.

>Destroy Libya, leading to horde of refugees, leading to rise of populists leading to the death of the EU

World police didn't exist before the world wars, just empires fighting other empires

All governments are evil, bar none. You could argue that they're a necessary evil, but evil nontheless. This discussion is akin to arguing about whose shit smells the least.

>the EU is evi-

That's what i meant by "policemen".


Don't Finns basically worship their government and never question it?

Yes. You can't imagine how frustrating it is to live here.

You seem to be under the assumption that Europe is a force. We are not.

hi anarkomarko

all those are treating or at least, trying to treat us better than g*rmany

Jordan calling someone else evil kek

Hi saappaannuolija-sampo

>the country that took in the palestinians after jews kicked them out (me included)
>the country that took in the iraqis after you burnt their coutnry
>the country that took in the syrians after you fucked everything up
>the country that doesnt even have water and pays 20% of its gdp to refugees that you and your jewish bretheren create


wow you really have a skewed definition